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Month: May 2010



Old Glory

Ever winking

In the wind


Colors kept

And carried on

From childhood

And beyond


Blood red

Pure white

Regal blue


To die

To protect

To pledge


So many have

So many will


That me and mine

And you and yours

And they and theirs


May rest tonight

In peaceful slumber


And get to do

The same




Down the Road

Down the Road

There’s a white-washed,

Wooden cross

On the side of the road


A marker of loss

Symbol of sorrow


After awhile it becomes

Part of the landscape


But not for the people

Who planted it there


For them

It will always be

A foreign flower

That was never meant

To bloom

On the side of the road


Day Away

Day Away

Some blue beyond

Without a drift


Or recollection

Of the wind


No drop of rain

Or ray of light


Always day

Always night


A pool of sky

Floating by


No need

No want

No care


Just there


Without a watch

Without a wrist


For time

Never ticks


There’s nowhere

To go


Nothing to be


No days, weeks, months or years

No spring, summer, fall or winter


No joy

Or pain


What remains


Did “I love you”



Or was it just

Something to say


More than that …

Is where I’m at





And then you’re dead

As if you were never there

At all


And all the stuff you had to have

Winds up in thrifty hands


That beloved book you read a thousand times

May never see the light of day


The small garden



If you have children

They go on

Without you


If you have a better half

They find another half


So when I hear, “Forever”

I just shake my head

And think …


Pictures change

“Forever” merely means

A frame


Daddy’s Girl

Daddy’s Girl

What’s he to do

But stand

Where he’s stood


Waiting in the wings

Case she needs a hand

With the laces


Think she’s got it now

Watch her run

Back to him


The care

He took

Wasn’t lost


It swam with exotic fish

It hopped free

In a carpet-chewing field

It moved aside to let

An old dog by

It made room for

A new breed

It was tested

In the “absolutely not” cat



It was in the packet of seeds

Ever growing in the breeze


It was in the every day

Constant way

He loved her mother


It was in the no matter

what, when or where

He’d make it right


It was in the gentle nature

That needed no voice

To hear it


It was in the prayerful way

He went about the day


No it wasn’t lost

The care he took


For in her daddy’s eyes

She can see

All he ever wanted

Her to be




Across the table

She looks

At the lady

Staring back

At her

In careful conversation

They talk about that dress

They saw and the shoes

They had to have

They laugh about the

Gum they stepped in

The time the washing machine

Flooded the floor

That Thanksgiving turkey

Burnt beyond crispy

As she studies the menu

She studies her

And wonders if she’s doing okay

As she turns the page

And taps the table

In a flurry of pink polish

She longs to hold her hand

10 fingers, 10 toes

What she wouldn’t give …

To sing her to sleep

Once more

And hear her breathe

Good dreams

To wake her up

With a morning kiss

And hear her say,

In that sleepy wonderful way,

“I love you,


As the waiter scribbles

Their leafy order

They toast

The day

Then take turns

To the powder room

Never knowing …

The mirror was the same

The tissue in the trash

Held twin tears

They return

To the table

And smile




Maybe someday …

Isn’t that what people say


But then

They forget

They ever said that


Until they see

Someone else

Living their someday


And then they wonder

How they kept their day

When there were so many

In the way


Maybe one night

They tossed and turned

Had a nightmare

Saw themselves


One in a chair

One in a box

With their someday

Buried in breath


Maybe they woke up

In time

In tears

And decided

To turn that day into

Their someday


Nightmare’s no stranger

So why is it

That some succumb  

While others someday




Figured it out


Let me know

If you do


Cause I sure

Could use a clue



It seems

So clear


Beyond the blue


Like there are no

Graves of gray


But birthdays

Have a way

Of blowing out

The candles

On your cake


As you sit

There in the dark

Waiting for a slice


There is no frenzy

For the frosting


Forks replace

The fingers


On a small square



How good it is


Let the joke

Be you


But when

The party’s over


And all is quiet

In the house


You roam from

room to room


Aimless as

A broken arrow


Until you find

Your bed


Sit on the side

And sigh


Another year

Gone by




Watched a

Silver tear



The years


Once upon

a time …

it fell

so smooth

and straight


Now it takes

Its time

Amid so many lines




There she is


black and white



Like a lady


From a bygone



Still without a shoe

Running whereto


Left me a coat

Of laughter


To cross

That puddle there


But the hills

Are hers


Where she goes

Been before


Won’t be the top

That tests


But the



Where tangled

Roots are buried


Dig out the dirt


One handful

At a time


For however long

It takes


Swim in the stream

Look for the bridge


The one that

Brings you back


To the beginning


Give and Take

Give and Take

Some only

Reach for

The sun


Others open

Their hand

To the rain


Some wish

On every



Others wish

They could

See a star


Some look

At land

And see

Pots of



Others look

At land

And see


In a tree