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Month: January 2015



I stare

at the crack

in the ceiling

my music’s too loud

but I like it loud

I like to feel it

coursing through me

like a crashing wave

gets me up the hill

down the plank

through the set

past the stretch

and as I lie in sweat

staring at the crack

in the ceiling

I feel lighter somehow

not pounds lighter

just lighter

it’s my mind, my heart, my soul

that lifts





it is

don’t let it

overtake you

sure it’s hard

and it hurts real bad

and you think you’re gonna die

never make it out

don’t sit in the ditch

don’t lie there

crawl if you have to

you’ll find your feet

one step, two

don’t turn around

keep to the front

toes forward


walking helps

you’re moving

your body is moving

that’s important

down the mile

you’ll notice the light

the way it wakes the day

you’ll feel the rain

the way it clears the dust, the debris

you’ll see that life is circular


you are a miracle

and you mean something

to somebody somewhere

even if you don’t know it

haven’t met them yet

you will in time

there is always a choice

free will

choose: yourself

put the pills down

drop the blade

toss the needle

get off the tracks

the ledge

don’t pull the trigger

untie the rope

flush the white stuff

trash the bottles

all of ‘em

get outta the car

the tub

he ain’t worth it

she ain’t worth it

they ain’t worth it

pain ain’t worth it

trust me

it ain’t worth it

but you are

you’re worth every bit

that person that died

wouldn’t want you to quit

get up

one step, two …


Tea Time

Tea Time


the world

could use

a cup of tea

with a lump of sugar

a biscuit and jam

a triangular sandwich

a snowy berry tart

forget the press

the pleat

the plat

forget all that

sit and sip

a spell

with me

a steamy cup

of English tea

not reserved for ladies

in turret castles

a man needs reprieve

a child needs treats

the old man, the young woman

they need to believe

the rich and the poor

sit at the same table

reaching for the same cup

of warmth

and belonging




think not


for this

is not

a present thing

a sustained state

of being

no matter what

your watch says

or the potions promise

or the dance of endorphins in your head

the day will come

despite the unfinished crumb

you can gather all the intelligence

across seven continents

read every word

in the Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève

push your body past the sea

of Galilee

find your inner peace

at Everest

that golden moment

at the pond

maybe love

token or not

your journey

your voyage

your quest

over air, rail or sea

ends somewhere

in the desert sole

a speck

that once walked

the sands

mirrored shore to shore

a shadow there

the length of it

dialed toward the sun

the silver spoon of the moon


Keep Moving

Keep Moving

it might

be raining


soaking down the dirt

a spot for the stem

the river rises

a puddle forms

the streets slicken

all awash

town and country

fields and parking lots

all the soles

rushing to and fro

like scurried squirrels

grazed by tread

the drops miss nothing

above or below

‘cept the blur

the blink

was that a hummingbird




like DWTS

without Derek

like 007

without Connery

like country music

without Chesney

like movies

without Caviezel

like the Tide

without Saban

like golf

without Tiger

like Rocky

without Stallone

like rap

without Eminem

like rock

without Elvis

like the news

without Cronkite

like the big screen

without Hanks

like Kung Fu

without Lee

like superman

without Reeve

like About Schmidt

without Nicholson

like comedy

without Carrey

like Titanic

without Leo

like action

without Statham

like a voice

without Freeman

like Thor

without Hemsworth

yeah, ya can’t do DWTS

without Derek



The Tree

The Tree

it stands


by birds

of feather

that land


on its limb

resting ever

in its arms

singing sweetly

to the day

for the tree

has been there


beautiful birds

cannot be caged

they go whence the wind

beyond the borders of the forest

a million moons away

they wing

far from buried roots

and blades

some come back


others never do

the tree understands


like the spider

that climbs its grooves

looking to spin

or the butterfly that breezes by

leaving its cocoon

or the mother bird

her nest of cracked shells

those are ornamental things

ordinary in nature

it stands

a thousand years


to feel the print

of a wayward child

that looks up, up, up


and all the loss

of lesser things

matter not

to the tree

for it knows

not even the slant of rain

can remove

a child’s handprint

from its heart




the Pacific

the Atlantic

the Indian

the Arctic

the water moves

high tide, low tide

it’s liquid across all four

spilling over sand

pulling up letters

flooding the palace

a tsunami

of sorts

what we go through

as human beings

at different levels

of sea

what drowns

what floats

what you try to keep dry

and save

maybe that’s why the sky

is such a sacred thing

it connects a people

to a place

we look up

from below

like an ant on a hill

the clouds shred apart

to reveal the grey

a dab of white and black

blended on the board

and brushed against canvas

the Artist works

in charcoal




people get stuck

in the ways

in the passenger seat

the front row

the bedding

the cell

the shoes

the grave

the height of pleasure

brewed and burned

that full feeling

nuked and trashed

the depth of denial

coursing through

the weathervane

‘cause you go to work

and do your job

and pay your bills

and sign your name

and give a dime

and sit in church

and laugh on cue

and go to that thing

and hold that door

and nod your head

and throw that ball

and light that wick

and cook that meal

and run that race

and net that fish

and cut the grass

and sift the sand

and bring the flowers

and walk the dog

and bake the cake

and paint the fence

and nail the roof

and bang the drums

and clear the clutter

and save the book

and take the train

and turn the blind

and lift the cup

and light the stick

and shoot it up

and make a mess

and fix your face

and set the timer

and straighten your tie

and wave goodbye

and board the plane

and close your eyes

and walk the aisle

and sit in that chair

and say you’ll be back

and fall off the cliff

and get hit by the bus

and blown away on the plane

and shot by a stranger

and run over by bulls

and sunk by a ship

and taken hostage

and beheaded

and left for dead

boxed or burned

on the return

go stand in the mirror

under the sting

and wipe the film

make like you see

whatever works




lo and behold

the embodiment

of a being

how one comes to be

who they are

the story behind the story

drawn in

by happenstance

held there

by silence

for tears are quiet creatures

that fall

without knowing

brushed beneath

an Apec blue


Two Years

Two Years

and just like that

like when it rains

and the sun’s out

was like that

out of nowhere

two years

she gave me back

two years

and it’s common knowledge

to her

like kimchi with each meal

but wholly-cow alien to me

and I’m sitting there

but am I really there

in that café atmosphere

people chomping their pastries and sipping their drug

a child whining, silverware dropping

“what … wait a minute, what …

what did you say … can you repeat that?”

and she does

with the patience she affords her children

“you see, in Korea, when a baby is first born …

a year is added right then. And then when it turns January 1,

we add another year to that.”

I forget what else she said

later on, I show her the only photo I have

and she tells me I look like I’m one

that I was born in 1972

even though my birth certificate from Korea has 1970

you walk around your whole life

with questions you’ll never have answered

lines on a sheet of paper left empty

and they still have my file at the orphanage

but haven’t the information to fill the blanks

so, two years

whether it’s really true or not

I’ll take it




he had

a TV

in the basement

of that white two-story

a recliner where he’d sit

and unwind

watching mostly sports

but he never missed an episode

of Happy Days

neither did i

tiptoed on the stair

quietly sitting there

he’d let out a roar of laughter

and i always thought he looked

so much like the Fonz

with his dark hair combed straight back

and i think sometimes

he knew i was there

roaring with him

but he never let on

he’d come home with candy in his pockets

and have me guess which one

peanut or plain m&ms

we’d spend hours in the snow

building men

and baseballs

he was so much like a kid

filled with joy

we’d walk the woods

and he’d pick me up

and put me on the highest boulder

summers he spent mowing the grass

and i’d tote him some tea

and he’d act like it was the best drink

in the whole wide

i followed him everywhere

but there

he wouldn’t let me

go there


In the Mourning

In the Mourning


what you think

you can’t do

is done

every day

feet on the floor

one step two

primal pain

the second you’re never the same

people go on

and on

even when they think

they can’t

do that

they do

feeling forsaken

a life taken

waking up a stranger

lost in the wilderness

of where to go


which way points up

a compass held

by both

the weak and the strong

in and out of centuries

the mantle of inheritance

what it is

to understand

where you are

where you’ve been

in the nothingness of pitch

nothing changes


so says the ray

that goes forth

from the sun

and moments the moon


White Rabbit

White Rabbit

the moss

looks velvet

on the tree

a smudge of summer


where the white mushroom

opens its umbrella

to roof the rain

a lingering leaf on a limb

refuses to fall

the seasons in submission

I long for spring

the growing everywhere

in England it must be magic there

cobblestone and window-boxes

fresh berries and scones

the clatter of cups and saucers

lilly bells a-ringing

the little shop

cracked in leather

bound books

primed in proper prose

plucked in petals

lost in love

the knoll

is velvet

like the moss

a place to drift

once the cup is empty

and all the words are spent

on things that cost

the Queen

too much

in commonwealth


All Along

All Along

past the cloud

beyond the ray

the dip of the day

what the wake left

a footprint in the dirt

handprint on the glass

red on the rim

a bird’s wing

somebody’s stuff

a frosted mug

a copper kettle

the page unturned

the script at crawl

where’s the wind

is it in the east

where the gardenias grow

he’s still pulling up the hose

carrying it around

is it the break of day


where did the porch swing

come from

what happened to the trike

the horn

there’s no buggy left to push

simplifies the choice

and it’s raining

or was

the caterpillar went cocooning

a derby horse

at down

the laces need tying

a double knot

segments in an orange

seeds in the core

the pit

the peel

who’s at the door

did that song get played

who heard it

was it beautiful

the arrangement

field formation

who looks at the score

it’s the run game

what you endure

in the allotment


the status

we were meant to wonder

to look out

past the cloud

the ray


Last Night

Last Night

a 5 year old


an 8 year old

“what happened

to Copper?”

the 8 year old

never said

the 5 year old


“what is that …

what is that

coming out

of your eyes?”


Toni Long

Toni Long

there were three

and she was

one of ‘em

and I can still

see her now

crunching that green


‘cause she didn’t

have time for lunch

she kept her hair

real short

‘cause she didn’t

have time to fuss

not a trace of shadow

on her face

she was all about


that’s what

she taught us

in all her

Britannica brilliance

and she was always in a hurry

to get somewhere

‘cause somebody needed her

badly to be there

and when we’d talk

our talks

she made me feel like

I was the most important person

like what I had to say mattered

enough to slow down

and I remember one day

after class

asking her not about


but about life

the tragedies of life

and how could I help

all of that

how could I grow up

and make it better

here’s what she told the kid:

“you have to think

of the world

as a great big pie

none of us get

the whole pie

we only get a slice

and you have to

figure out

for yourself

how to make

that slice count …

you can’t change

the whole world

and its problems

none of us can

but you can take a slice of it

and do something great

you can make a difference

in the world

that way

give something back

that’s how you make it better

I know you can do that




the fizz

in the flutes


the baubles

on the tree


the crumbs Santa left


the stringy lights


the ribbon and wrap


the yuletide chorus


all your good intentions


the newness of the year


your measure of resolve


in the business of being
