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it is

don’t let it

overtake you

sure it’s hard

and it hurts real bad

and you think you’re gonna die

never make it out

don’t sit in the ditch

don’t lie there

crawl if you have to

you’ll find your feet

one step, two

don’t turn around

keep to the front

toes forward


walking helps

you’re moving

your body is moving

that’s important

down the mile

you’ll notice the light

the way it wakes the day

you’ll feel the rain

the way it clears the dust, the debris

you’ll see that life is circular


you are a miracle

and you mean something

to somebody somewhere

even if you don’t know it

haven’t met them yet

you will in time

there is always a choice

free will

choose: yourself

put the pills down

drop the blade

toss the needle

get off the tracks

the ledge

don’t pull the trigger

untie the rope

flush the white stuff

trash the bottles

all of ‘em

get outta the car

the tub

he ain’t worth it

she ain’t worth it

they ain’t worth it

pain ain’t worth it

trust me

it ain’t worth it

but you are

you’re worth every bit

that person that died

wouldn’t want you to quit

get up

one step, two …


Published inTamiko Lowery