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Month: March 2022

Only if … you Let it

Only if … you Let it

life has

a way

of sanding you

into shape

each heartbreaking moment

chisels you


into something

you weren’t prepared to be

or feel

or accept

it is a painful process

that ages you

when you experience

a tragic thing

like loss

or betrayal

or self-sabotage

you have no choice

what’s done is done

all you know for sure

is how much it hurt

and i wonder if this makes you

less willing

to try

next time

or the next

or the next

do you hesitate now

think things through

less trusting

less open

less willing

to move

are you lessened by life

or extended by it

do you let your mind lead

never the heart

keep the heart locked




you refrain


become inaccessible


nobody gets through the gate

the pigeon has flown

no trace

an old lion now paces

back and forth

at the gate


First and Last

First and Last

swept some dew



and put ‘em

in my pocket


it ain’t really

all that bad

picked up my magic


and found a green

that accepts me

as i am

in the quiet

of a song

i listen and learn

wrote so many

in my mind

the moon split in half

one hangs high in the sky

the other fell flat

on its face

there’s always a price

a ransom

a deposit

some say love is free

methinks they never knew

love at all

or had a clue

an inkling

a grain

there was no weeping

in the willows

for not a one

of ‘em

as they stood in their shiny silver shoes

on the bank of the mountain

afraid of the mud

the muck

it is a soiled rotten wretched thing

to love

to let love take you

in such a way

as this


people pick and choose

the parts of love

they like

and leave the rest


nobody wants a dead rose

the fresh fragrance gone

the color drained from face

petals crumbling underfoot

it’s easy to admire a blooming beginning

not so much

the fallen flower

curled up

and gone

but the wind

in its wild ways

gave it its first breath

before it ever blossomed beauty

and ruffled its layers

sending its scent

into the ether

in the sway

the gentle sway

it let the flower rest

and rise

wipe its eyes

and when the petals

were too weak

to hold on

a moment more

the wind in its infinite wisdom

lifted each up

and carried ‘em

to the water’s edge

and let ‘em

find their way


and the water


in its ripples

reaching out

for it had been waiting

so long

all along

for the rose

to finally return

to its center

the center of its being

its becoming

its belonging

but first

it had to let go …

of the stem

it’d been clinging

and be fearless

to fall






You Love What You Love

You Love What You Love

there’s a blue


on the wall

the watercolor

has bled

out to the edge

of the paper

like the other


of the ocean

not sure where

it went

but i like to think

it’s ever … flowing

for small hands

made it

so …


Over the Rainbow

Over the Rainbow

at the end

of May

we brought her home

wrapped up

like a tight burrito

with the moon in our eyes

the sun high

nothing but blue skies


we put her in the backseat

me beside her

and drove 35mph

over Second Avenue bridge

i saw nothing

but her

as we went along

down the road

rounding the corner

the bend

down the driveway

through the door

now … 15 years later

i sit in the backseat


and i see nothing

but her

as she hops up

into her Daddy’s truck

adjusts the seat

the wheel

checks the mirror

and drives us


out the driveway

down the street

around the corner

the bend

over Second Avenue bridge

all the way down

the road

straight to Panama

outside the sun shone

bright and beautiful

nothing but blue skies

gentle breeze

inside it rained

in the ray

quiet drops

that slipped to sea

rolling into waves

rushing over sand

and shell

splashing seagulls

and holding up boats

overhead a rainbow

appeared on paper

an empty box of crayons

on the floor

every color was used


Dear Dad,

Dear Dad,

at the edge

of foam

looking out

to sea

your silver boat

no longer gleams

your plastic face

fell off

long ago

never knew nothing


than watching you


still stopped by silver hair

i just stand and stare

but it’s never you

could of sworn it was

but it never is

i walk away

pushing your boat

back out

i go find something

to eat

something to drink

a bed to sleep

and i wake up


in the quiet

wish i’d recorded

your laugh

so i could play it back

when things get

off track

and i can’t seem

to see

what i need to see

photos lie

anybody can smile

for a second

the joy of being

with someone you truly love

is a circle

without numbers

without seconds without minutes

without hours

there is no yesterday

no today

no tomorrow

the past, the present, the future

matters not

not on this watch

this clock

there is no start

no stop

it just is