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Month: August 2021

Collecting Coins

Collecting Coins

he waited

‘til he’d cleared

the room

the door

and was down the hall

safely down the hall

before he broke





it was too much

all too much

for 13

let alone 42

he’s counting coins

staying connected

reaching out

to repetition

the rhythm of repetition

the soothing lull

of clinking coins

he’ll never stop


puts one

in his pocket

to keep close

just enough to touch

a two-sided-coin

there’s always two sides

he’d drop ‘em all in the fountain

if he could

if it meant

she’d come back

he looks up at the sky

wondering why …

down every road

he’ll carry the why …

when things don’t add up

and nothing makes sense

you start the count over

it’s easy to get lost


you can lose your place


in the beginning

in the middle

in the end

and have to start all over


but that’s ok

the total changes

over time

with addition and subtraction

new coins, lost coins, old coins, missing coins




the count changes

becoming less

becoming more

keep counting kid

don’t ever stop


Sophomore Year

Sophomore Year

it’s 3:03

in the morning

got up at 1

thinking it was 5

went back to bed

with eyes wide

this is how it was

when she was 5

the night before

she went off

to pre-school

couldn’t sleep

then either

in about 4 and half hours

she’ll be driving

to school

she’s a good driver

thanks to Mr. Dill

I sit on the passenger side

feeling older than I am

Cinderella’s been driving me around

in her modern-day pumpkin

fer 2 months now

preparing …

for this

the first day back

to school

I can hear the bell ringing