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Month: March 2017

“Ace up the Sleeve”

“Ace up the Sleeve”

we met

in his garden

I call it his garden

‘cause he knows each plant

by heart

he likes customers like me

‘cause I have to have them all

he opens his doors earlier than his 8 a.m. sign

‘cause he’s old-school

and when he asks if I need any help,

he actually means it

if it weren’t for his injured shoulder

he’d of gladly lifted and loaded my four bags of soil

instead he calls for someone else

in the meantime, I ask him how he hurt himself

and he tells me he fell

tripped over some cement bumper thing in a parking lot

and that was that

now, he’s hoping physical therapy will keep him outta surgery

he’s learned how to adapt and adjust

from cast to sling

there’s a sense that he can do this with most anything

before I go, I ask him if he can order certain plants

he says he can

and I ask him if he can order lily of the valley

he says he always carries that and to check back

in 2-3 weeks

a shipment should be here then

I can’t believe it

my first flower will be here in 2-3 weeks

just like that

he has no idea what this flower means to me

but I do

in 2-3 weeks

tiny white bells will ring




in all the world

across the great ocean

the highest peak

the meadow between

 there is the sky

with its orbs of light


the same as then

the same as now

the same as after

in ancient times

this present day

there are clouds

that shift

by day

and stars

that blink

by night

seek the sun rise

and set

feel the rain

each path is different

do not hurry

it goes by so fast


In the Smallest Thing

In the Smallest Thing


the mini


died in her food


shortly after Papa’s fish

floated away

and now, there’s a white moth

an “Agreeable Tiger Moth”

found at the front door

and thought to be dead

by the wing

toted him in

and set him down

startled by his sudden movement

he wasn’t dead

but tired

from the night before

too weak to take off

he’s resting on my desk

amid two tomato leaves

and a drop of watermelon

he made it through the night

no, I don’t expect him to live


only in my memory

this moonlit moth

that landed at my door

and gave me pause


Left Behind

Left Behind

in six lanes

of traffic

in the spring of the year

somebody’d lost

their pieces

along the side of the road

there was a shoe

it looked like a good shoe

there was a shirt

it looked white

or maybe it was blue

there were other things, too

but it all went by so fast

colors blurred

only that there were


scattered things

left on the side of the road

and it felt like rain

coming down




he believed

in the magic

of great love

and wrote about it

in such a way

that it resonated

in the heart of the reader

this notion that two ordinary people

coming from two different directions

one a world traveler and one who’d never been anywhere

could meet

on an ordinary day

in the middle of their lives

and experience an extraordinary love

beyond reasoning

beyond reality

beyond circumstance

“it all fades away”

(Robert James Waller, 77, March 10, 2017)





the very


of our infancy

we become

but a memory

of our former selves

there is no returning

to any state-of-being

in the original form

the mind remembers

the sights and sounds and smells

the taste and touch

it can be conjured up

but it cannot be re-lived

as it was

an old man can return to his boyhood bed

and lie down and go to sleep

but will wake up not as a boy

the body of the boy and the mind of the boy

is gone

but the feeling is still there

an old lady can go to her closet and pick out

the dress she wore

and put it back on

but when she stands in front of the mirror

the girl is gone

but the feeling is still there

once you leave a state-of-being

you become infinitely more

than you were

the whole of life

is connected

in transformation




in the quiet


spring grows


a prelude

to summer

and an ending

to winter

perhaps nowhere

does it seem



as i am

as i am

when i was

a child

i disappeared

inside myself

and locked the door

it was a way to cope

with the uncontrollable

circumstances i found myself in

i felt like a prisoner

time forgot

and it didn’t matter where i went

or what i achieved

or what dreams i had

i couldn’t escape

even when i physically had

moved out and on

the inner child

was still stuck

in uncontrollable circumstances

beyond my control

my need for control in all things

is apparent

I crave simplicity

simple things like taking a walk

i took a lot of walks growing up

i felt at peace in nature

there was connection there

an unspoken truth

i knew no matter how dark the night

the sun would rise in the morning

i knew that daffodils would go away and come back again

like the monarchs

i knew the trees offered shade and strength

i knew the sun would kiss the water

and diamonds would appear

like stars in the sky

i knew the wind would fill me

the rain renew me

the sunlight sustain me

these were things i could count on

things that didn’t require

anything of me

for they were free

those were the gifts

He gave

to me


Into the Night

Into the Night

the black sky

spit out the stars

and when they hit the ground

they shattered

into drops

that disappeared

into the dirt

years go by

24 years

and a forest appears

bringing birds

that sing