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Month: November 2014



when you

don’t know

a thing

about any thing

a form of utopia

an oblivion

to be oblivious

of things

not for a man

nor a woman

for adults are aware

of all things

the slightest thing

the abject thing

the base line

a stick in the sand

draw your dreams

only the moon

can laugh

plate and spoon

the cow’s a steak

three bears, three pigs

the golden goose

a tale to tell

even at Christmas

the glass slipper

does it fit your foot

better stories now

to tell your girl

let down your hair

and live

not a storied life

of fairies and tales

but of your own


even when

you can’t see the page

the snow falls

for a time


to the web work

the limbs

roots and blades

ponds and puddles

iced over

in a tray

all things thaw

the web catches

in the wind

the spider finds

another tree

does this

a thousand times

the coldest day

still the spider

will climb




caught up

in the clock

the tick tock

the fall back

the spring forward

what time is it?

have to be there at

have to leave at

have to get up at

have to

take that down

have to

put that up

what time is it?

gotta go


gotta go


gotta get


gotta get


out of that

what do you need

what do you want

sure you know

under and over

to begin again

to be new again

to be in awe

of the earth

and its people

the nature of things

the breath in your body

the birth of your being

the feelings you feel

before and after

the mystery of not knowing

being somewhere you’ve never been

trying something you’ve never tried

the progression

a pendulum

how to proceed

as time turns you

inside out

outside in

the hour in which

we are  

with somewhere to be

not to be





cold today

enough for a coat cold

and it might

rain today

enough for an umbrella rain

then again, might not

rain at all

alas, this is

the South

and it might

shine today

enough for shades shine

or might not

it could hail

golf balls



You Are

You Are

when you

sit by the sea  a l o n e

you are the sea


when you

watch the rain through the window

you are the drops


when you

float off your feet over the waves

you are the ocean


when you

skip stones across the riverbank

you are the ripple


when you

cry your truth in the valley low

you are the well


when you

toss your penny into the fountain there

you are the wish




she was

supposed to

blow out her candles

her 64 candles

this day

with her family

all around her


but she got sudden sick

and went to the hospital

thinking she’d stay a few days

and go home

to her husband

but her body shut down

in one of those hospital rooms

and she died

with her family

all around her


when night falls

they’ll go

and reach out to her

one last time

and he’ll feel like

a little boy … once more

needing her

to pick him up

and hold him tight

tell him it’s gonna be all right

and after it’s all over

and the preacher prays

that last prayer

and he goes home

to his wife and baby boy

he’ll feel like

a man

who has aged

too soon