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Month: June 2016

On This Day

On This Day

he’ll sit there

on the front row

not the middle

or the last

but the front

his heart in his eyes

it’ll all go by

he’ll bow his head

and get up

and walk out

to the car

at the front of the line

and he won’t want

to get out

won’t want to stand there

in the sunlight

on this day

this summer day

so, he’ll have to sit down

and he won’t want to get back up

won’t want to drive away

and go back home

but she won’t have it

and she’ll tell him so

she’ll tell him no

you gotta go

you gotta go on …

go on now


It Waits

It Waits

there’s something

to be said

about old love

it stands alone

at the window

watching the sun come up

and go back down

it sits at the table

in the chair


in a corner booth

a Sunday pew

it walks down the hall

ready for bed

but doesn’t sleep

it’s counting stars

and sheep

and all the years

the life it made

the photo album’s fat and full

the song’s still playing on the radio

like it did back then

the movies re-run

the book picked up

where it left off

finishing sentences

being the punchline

yelling back

trying not to laugh

picking up the phone

so the other don’t worry

holding the umbrella

the suitcase

waiting for the other

to come back out

all dressed up

and there were roses

without occasion

moments without saying

and you can’t explain it

to a newlywed

yeah, there’s something

to be said

about old love

and how it waits