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Month: November 2015



before long

I’ll be gone

and you’ll be gone

and they’ll be gone

we’ll all be gone

will you remember

how good it was

how good it could have been

that walk you never took

when the sun


a polished moon

shattered on the glass

how the flowers swayed

small against the bark

the wind rushed up

and past

ripping through the limbs

a nest on the ground

what color is the sky

was it cold

the rain

not cold enough

did the snow melt the man

can’t see the star

from where i am

so, how do ‘ya know

it fell

if you weren’t there

to see it




when you’re

in need

of a friend

you think

God mighta forgot

to send

step outside

your door

and follow the trail

where the armored trees

stand strong

lean on them

the wind

will find you

wherever you are

and help you along

your way

the sun will hold you

for a thousand summers

in its warm-full embrace

the flowers will give you

what you need to remember

about a beautiful thing

and if you should ever wonder

how you’ll ever make it through

just drop your head

and look down

at the dirt cold ground

the ants will show you

a thing or two

about endurance

how nothing is too hard

not even a downpour




there are

men and women

who serve

a life sentence

for their crimes

for all they’ve done wrong

there are

men and women

who do no time

never sentenced

for their crimes

for all they’ve done wrong

a child

does not speak

a child

does not say

a child

does not tell

there are

children round the world

who serve

a life sentence

for no crime

in a closet cell they sit


they can’t get up

even though

the Warden

long unlocked the chains

and signed their papers

free to go …

the cage door opened

w i d e

but the stupid bird just sits there

staring at the door

‘cause it forgot how to fly