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“Ace up the Sleeve”

“Ace up the Sleeve”

we met

in his garden

I call it his garden

‘cause he knows each plant

by heart

he likes customers like me

‘cause I have to have them all

he opens his doors earlier than his 8 a.m. sign

‘cause he’s old-school

and when he asks if I need any help,

he actually means it

if it weren’t for his injured shoulder

he’d of gladly lifted and loaded my four bags of soil

instead he calls for someone else

in the meantime, I ask him how he hurt himself

and he tells me he fell

tripped over some cement bumper thing in a parking lot

and that was that

now, he’s hoping physical therapy will keep him outta surgery

he’s learned how to adapt and adjust

from cast to sling

there’s a sense that he can do this with most anything

before I go, I ask him if he can order certain plants

he says he can

and I ask him if he can order lily of the valley

he says he always carries that and to check back

in 2-3 weeks

a shipment should be here then

I can’t believe it

my first flower will be here in 2-3 weeks

just like that

he has no idea what this flower means to me

but I do

in 2-3 weeks

tiny white bells will ring


Published inTamiko Lowery