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Month: September 2012

Back Road

Back Road

split second


took me

from town

the list and laundry

and what to cook

saw the land


like the sea


and the seed took

down an endless row

where long I looked

the length of barbwire

where the crows were cawing,

“the crop is good, the crop is good, the crop is good”

and still were the tractors

under the oaks

and clear was the sky

a drop-less blue

and where was i


Whatever Ails

Whatever Ails

take the sun

and pour it

in your hand

and spread it

over your body

and go to sleep

and when you wake

you won’t be cold

or lonely

no more




the spider

so small

climbs so high

up the trunk

higher and higher

she follows the line of the limb

and takes her thread and spins it

to the other side

and back and forth

and round and round

and up and down

she goes

sewing her doily

just so




in the mess

of it all

we forget

the lessons

of the little

what children know

the earth

is not exclusive

to the few

they know

what the birds know

scribbles on paper

mean what

to a squirrel

signs and deeds and dedications

human manifestation

the blue butterfly

has no plan

the crickets

no audience

the fish

no direction

and yet

they move

as one


Open Space

Open Space


to the soul

of man

of woman

of child

is roam

a place to roam

wild and free

and travel we

to the edge of time

we do

for none of us

is without this want

this need

this desire

to leave

all we know

for an unknown place

a silent glade

an untouched blade

this sense of searching

an internal longing

a restless breath

a solitary sigh

is there

ever in the eye

where all things lie

sitting in the Sahara

listening to the sea

meditating on a mountain

swimming in aquamarine

sleeping in an igloo

dancing in a teepee

walking in wildflowers

standing in snow

tasting the rain

feeling the gust

watching the wind

rush and rush

running where

there are no roads

or dead end signs

or gates to climb

or walls to rope

or doors to push

or windows to close

where there is

no beginning

no end

only the middle

of the page

where no pen

has been