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Month: October 2015



want not

to ask

a word why

of any when

of a whole thing

within its infinite


whether working

in accord

in discord

the line stops

as it started

you forget a face

your own

the winter world

you walk in

and out of

a trail of glass

worn to water

you sink to its bottom

squinting like warmed ice

on a windshield

Atlantis does exist




in the end

my dear friend

you won’t need

your spectacles

or your teeth

you won’t need

your shoes

or your wallet

you won’t need

your belt

or your buckle

you won’t need

your hat

or your coat

you won’t need

your watch

or your pen

you won’t need

a shower

or a commode

you won’t need

a phone

or a quarter

you won’t need

a television

or a remote

you won’t need

a car

or a house

you won’t need

a lawnmower

or a shed

you won’t need

a table

or a chair

you won’t need

a book

or a map

you won’t need

an envelope

or a stamp

you won’t need

your shirt

or your pants

you won’t need


or tools

you won’t need

a cane

or a walker

or a wheelchair

you won’t need

a cup

or a saucer

you won’t need

a fork

or a spoon

or a knife

you won’t need

a ticket

or a receipt

you won’t need

a list

or a reminder

you won’t need

to go

and come back

you won’t need

a key

or a lock

you won’t need

to talk

or be heard

you won’t need

to know what day

week or year

you won’t need

to please

or plan

or promise

you won’t need

a lamp

or a candle

or a stick

you won’t need

a match

or a lighter

or a switch

you won’t need

a compass

or a channel

or a chime

you won’t need

a toothpick

or a brush

or a comb

you won’t need

a dip

or a snuff

you won’t need


or enough

you won’t need

up or over

you won’t need

before or after

you won’t need



the sun and moon

will converge

the wind will lift you

like a leaf

and carry you across

the blue sea

to the end of the ocean

where the earth is ending

and the heavens just begun




we won’t turn


we’ll drive straight

to the light

and take a left

we won’t see ‘ya tonight

we won’t turn


we’ll drive straight

to the light

and take a left

she won’t be knocking

at your door

we won’t turn


we’ll drive straight

to the light

and take a left

we won’t be watching you

watching her

we won’t turn


we’ll drive straight

to the light

and take a left

we won’t come in

and sit a spell

we won’t turn


we’ll drive straight

to the light

and take a left

we won’t laugh like that

without a joke

we won’t turn


we’ll drive straight

to the light

and take a left

we won’t get up

to hug ‘ya bye

we won’t turn


we’ll drive straight

to the light

and take a left

we won’t hear ‘ya say

“come back

and see me

sometime …”

we won’t turn


we’ll drive straight

to the light

and take a left

we won’t see ‘ya tonight




in the degrees

of a storm

the wind

is an untamed thing

laying waste a forest

exposing roots to air

the slash of rain


nobody claps

but thunder

electricity in the sky

a second of connection

sparks fly

walk through fire

looking for the door

but you can’t get out


you crawl to a window

and break the glass

so you can breathe

somebody tells you you’re bleeding

and you look down

and see it’s true

a burned up body

feels no cut


the bandage blue

you walk the forest

at night

watching the sun

through a window

the trees in ray

a bird flies in

sits there

on a limb

and takes off


The Lines

The Lines

stretched along

the side

towering like trees

glistening in the morning sun

dripping like spider webs

in the rain

these lines

carry connection

from one end

to the other

the dial

the punch

the press

the ringing

the hello

the “how ‘ya been …”

the hang up

the silence

the busy

the static

the hold

the wait

the call back

the forgot

the pick up

the ignore

the message


the tone

the truth

the trying

“he died last night”

“she took her own life”

what now

“the wedding’s when”

“ok, we’ll be there then”

the honeymoon

is over

“congratulations, it’s a boy!”

he’s getting older

“did you hear about that”

“yeah, it was so sad”

that’s life though

ain’t it

complex in the cruel

wonderful in the weary

sweet in the bitter

careful in the crazy

beautiful in the not

tragic in the torture

dead in the life

sheets in the sadness

singing in the dancing

empty stages

nobody came

the plate’s still full

left the drink


who’s gonna clean the kitchen

mow the grass

mail the letter

make sure it gets there

in time

does it need a signature

do you have a pen

you always have a pen

yeah, but

it won’t

here, use mine

thank you … I love how it writes

no, you keep it




hey …

‘ya busy

I know but

take a walk

with me

won’t take long

wanna show ‘ya


grab a coat

it’s windy

here’s your hat

might rain

you can drive

turn here

and park

we gotta cross

that street

and walk down

that path

yeah, I knew you’d like it

the leaves have a certain


and the bark has a fresh


and it has a story

behind it

and I know how ‘ya love

a good story


The Bed

The Bed

they put

a stake

in the ground

where your bo


will be





before supper

and goodnight

at the headboard

on your side

next to





the rain

will turn it


before long

a matching cover

to hide

the hole