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Month: March 2016

Hard Shells

Hard Shells

I hunt

for Easter eggs

in the woods

the briars

the straws

the webs

round white shells

dimpled in the sun

pick up each one

within reach

the brimming basket

now light

I carry it

across the lawn

and dump the eggs out

and one by one

I chip ‘em

back into the woods

the briars

the straws

the webs




it matters not

the day

if I remember it

or not

it matters not

the day

if I found it

or not

it matters not

the day

if I kept it

or not

it matters not

the day

the break of it

the dusk

folded flat and put away

stuffed or starved

held or withheld

standing in the rain

or cold in the grave

I sat in the sand

and waited

way too long

the sky a tearless blue

in summer

changes its color

in the winter

a different shade

in the fall

and returns itself

in the spring

a buried bulb

left in the ground


each year


through the lens

of an eye

but more brilliant

than the day

I remembered it

I found it

I kept it

when it mattered


the break of it

the dusk


Long Lens

Long Lens

in a parking lot

on a side of town

plated up

the sun low and lazy

the liquid movement of the morning


and drips a drop

into my cup

and I stir it round

gentle against the lip

the clouds pinned to a line

where the birds sit and sing

beaded there like rain

a diamond necklace


nothing matches

and I feel like I haven’t slept in years

I just doze in and out

with my eyes closed

snapshots in a dark room

the bending of light

a prism

brushed against the wall

in different shades


and hues


The Way of the Wind

The Way of the Wind

miles away

a string of lights

stretch the blacktop


on and off

like lights on a lake

I watch the flow

wondering where do all the people go

where have they been

what have they went through

what do they want

what do they need

did they find it

after all …

the wandering

or did they let it pass them by

thinking they’d get another chance

but chances are

a bit like a sail


and I’ve seen ‘em go


sat in the burning sand


but the high wind

never does bring ‘em back


this way again




you can bury

the day

burn the map

empty all your pockets

inside out

put on a different coat


and cut your hair

to there

then grow it back

put on pounds

and take ‘em off

run around

hit the brake

sit way down

cut the light

the switch

open a door

shut it

slam it


shop around

try on every shoe


and wear ‘em out

across the street

up the bank

down the trail

through the gate

around the corner

the circle

past the trees

the brush

the crows are cawing

a shadow forms


and falls

like hot tears

against a cold cheek


into a box

a black box

nobody opens

the perfect petals

each stem


turned to ash

the wind scatters

like a hand-full of stars

on a frozen night

beyond touch

or reason

or wishes

and it’s too bad

they don’t make a pair

for that

for that long

long walk home



he waited
for the ball
to be thrown
into the water
soon as it hit
the surface
he’d jump in
after it
leaving behind a wake
nothing mattered but the ball
he would swim to his death
to hear, “good boy!”
the ball wedged in his mouth
he’d die happy