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Month: September 2020

The Opera of James Hurst

The Opera of James Hurst

life is

a strange bird


never knowing where

it might land

The Scarlet Ibis

fell through the cracks

of my youth

and decades later

might have missed it


but it landed like a feather

in my daughter’s hands

and she read it aloud to me

the day it was read aloud to her

we parked in a parking lot

after school

and I sat there staring out the windshield

not seeing the traffic go by

I saw only Doodle

could see him as clear

as a day

that was …

and is

no more


John Daly

John Daly

at 54

Daly ain’t afraid

to die

never knew much

about him

other than his penchant

for wild looking pants

but saw an interview online

he interviews well

saw he wrote a book


so looked it up

and bought it online

was somewhere in the middle


when heard about his current cancer

being cut out

and how he’s dealing

with it

just a handful of pages left

now to read

and I don’t want it to end

he’s made me laugh so hard

and cry so good

he’s about as real as they come

cusses like a sailor

smokes like a weed

drank ‘til he was drained

an eye for the ladies

enjoys excess to the extreme

falls in love easily

as he forgives

can size up a room

and find the broken heart

he doesn’t kick the down and out

on the street

or walk on by oblivious

he sees them where they are   

and lifts them …

yeah, I’m a fan

for life

and it ain’t got nothing to do

with golf

you’re like a real live Rocky

Yo, Daly …

keep those hands up

keep those feet moving

keep that heart

that Lion’s heart

beating strong

stay outta the corner

and in the ring


When the Fog Lifts

When the Fog Lifts

a little bird

of blue

holds the line

against the cold


bobbing up and down

in waves

like a sailboat in the sea

looks down at the grass

still green for now

the turning of blades

the fall of leaves

puddles of glass

soon it’ll be hard

to find food

and shelter

and warmth

where will it go

when the rains come


and the trees in their tray

stand frozen

like sticks in slab

will it roam the sky

looking for the sun

and wake up one morning

in the stillness of a Sunday

and find it green

once more




when he got


the place was in ruins

everything was new

when he was a child

but his eyes had seen

too much turn

over and over and over …

and now it seared him

to open them

he couldn’t sleep

even when he slept

all the ruined lives

that never turned round

ending in dead-ends

a ring never worn

innocence lost

his eyes hurt

from the ocean of tears

and the question

of why

he had lived too long

100 years in the middle

of a road

where the grass never grows

he longed for green pastures

and the trees of his youth

and the feeling of red apples

and it was the first time

since he was a little boy

that he could open his eyes wide

and dry

and it wasn’t dark

his body was bathed in the light

and he could see the sea shining

in the distance …

he felt weightless

as if he could fly

like a bird

like a sparrow


Journalist Julio Valdivia

Journalist Julio Valdivia


at its noble best

seeks ever only

the truth

digging in the dark

at the lonely hour

whilst the unencumbered sleep

sound in their beds

sacrifices are met and made

for there are stories

out there

that must be told

that have to be told

and certain ones

nobody nowhere wants to write …

but they have to

not for themselves

or the outlet

but for a global society

that would otherwise never know

the truth

we need truth seekers in the world

to silence them is harmful

to us all

the killing of journalists

is a shameful thing

to discard their tortured body

by the railroad tracks

their head chopped off

is something else
