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Month: January 2022

Just Be

Just Be

when things

drop away

what’s left

in each life

there is a shedding

of sorts

whether it’s intentional

or unintentional

we shed

i truly believe

a 3-year-old child

already knows

the secret to life

and all we do

is try …

to get back

to that

that knowing

that unknowing

that place

that is truly free

and pure

and sacred

within thy self

to clear away

the unnecessary


that keep us stuck

is necessary

to see the reflection


the sea before the sun

is like that

there is a constant


in which it moves

that fills the eye

with the same scene

of centuries past

the water ripples


reaching forth

and retreating back

flowing continuously

like music

like wind

the sea is a symphony

a song within a song

and when you’re 3

you carry the sea

with you

at all times

no matter where

you go

or who

you’re with

everything flows



Written Words

Written Words

“Injustice any


is a threat

to justice



We are caught

in an

inescapable network

of mutuality,

tied in a single

garment of destiny.


ever affects 1


affects A11



Confetti in the Rain

Confetti in the Rain

you bought

the works

but I missed

your show

stayed at home

kneading pizza dough

the ball dropped

where in New York City

wouldn’t know

missed the count

closed my eyes

and opened ‘em

on 22

blew out the candles

and said adieu

but Peter Pan says NO

don’t ever say goodbye

never say goodbye

cause goodbye

means going away

and going away means


lest I forget

all of it

all the good

all the bad

all the happy

all the sad

it’s yours

and it’s mine

we in the world

know it

too well

can’t have the candle

without the cake

else we’d never know

the difference

between a summer’s day

and a winter’s night

ice cubes melting

in the mug

I wonder where

time goes

when it’s not with me

where does it go

when it quietly leaves

the room

and goes off

the clock

I’d like it back

you know

all the time

I wasted

on worry

what I would of done

had I known

you only get that one

summer in the sun

before it turns

January 1