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Month: April 2022

The Hunt

The Hunt

i scurry

outta bed

gotta go hide the eggs

painted pastels

but the basket’s empty

i look everywhere for the eggs

but all i find are pieces

crushed and chipped

like tiny tiles

i try to find which piece

goes where

i pick one up

and put it down

years go by

did anybody ever find

the golden egg …

was it worth it

all that work

all that time

it took


for a piece of plastic

with something good inside

can somebody tell me

if it was worth it


wait, what …

what did you say

I said, how do you like your eggs




hard boiled

sunny-side up

or over easy

but I don’t even eat eggs

then why you here

looking for eggs

i don’t know

i was hungry

i guess

well, look for something else

there’s more than eggs

on the menu …

I’ll come back

when you’re ready


Poster Poem

Poster Poem

“if you







set it

free …

if it

comes back

to you

it’s yours

if it


it never

was …”

Richard Bach

Tiger Woods Returns …

Tiger Woods Returns …

to the pristine greens

of Augusta

in the Spring of 2022

on the heels

of his World Golf Hall of Fame


Tiger Woods

has shown


he’s not done

one solitary step

at a time

he makes his way around

getting up and down

having journeyed

so far


for the love of the game

the feeling

a feeling like

none other


Going Through

Going Through

she’ll be

16 soon

and I’d like to say

I’m ok with it

that I’m fine

that I don’t mind

that it’s nothing

just a part of life

part of growing up

and out

I see all these kids

she went to pre-school with

get in their cars

their trucks

their Jeeps

and take off

and I wanna cry

I just wanna sit there and cry

but I just wave

and smile

and watch ‘em go by

all these bright beautiful butterflies

by the time you get to this point

as a parent

it’s a lot

don’t kid yourself

that it’s not