True Grit
she’s a runner
that went the distance
and kept going
beyond the finish line
for her
there is no line
she is the human spirit
made known
her life has shown
the essence of what is essential
that no matter what
you’re faced with
in life
whatever it is …
you press on
and chip away
at the mountain
in front of you
she dug her way out
of the dirt that fateful day
and found out
who she really was
what she was capable of
and how she would
down the stretch
at her own pace
figuring out
along the way
how to survive
and begin again
she pushed past
the endurance level
past what is expected
concluded and closed
she took what
could have killed her
that day
in the desert
and transformed
into something beyond
this world
she believed
in the tomorrow
she lives today
and she’s not done
turning the dirt
true grit: Turia Pitt