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Month: January 2024


he grew up

around water

his uncle pushed him


and that’s how he learned

how to swim

he almost drowned once

but an uncle-in-law jumped


water taught him

basic lessons

a boy should know

his father

his grandfathers

his uncles

and his brother

made sure of that

he drove a boat

long before he drove

trucks and tractors

he spent his summers

fishing off the bow

trolling along the edges

at the crack of dawn

catch and release

that’s what a lot of fishing

is about

catching and releasing

when you’re a boy

it’s all about the FISH

catching a fish

when you’re a teenager

it’s all about how many fish

you can catch

when you’re a man

it’s all about

catching and releasing

a fish

when you’re an old man

it’s all about


a fish

and watching it swim

a w a y

the sound of water

is essential

to the mind and its memory

an old man

laid up in the bed

can close his eyes

and hear the water lapping …

thumping against

the sides of the boat

and drift off

to sleep

trolling along

the edge


Inner Spring

Inner Spring


the green is


like it never knew

the rain

or the weight

of ice

stretched tight

against the grain

it’s like

a storm

that never was

like it was never not


and people played


for cash

or metal

or autograph

but for the feel

the sound

the flow

the ebb and flow

of the greens

what it gives

what it takes

what it requires

in return


Gray Days

Gray Days

a clenched fist

clenched jaw

clenched stare

out into the middle

of no


everything’s a fight

does life get


or worse


the clouds cover

the sun

the blue covers

the clouds

the rain covers

the blue

it’s never jest

one way

or the other

too many leaves

on the ground

too many petals


a line of ants




it’s a constant thing

are you in

or you out

a poker face now

rap’s on the radio

a bird lands

at the edge

of a puddle

steps in

and bathes

wet feathers

in the rain

daffodils are just

beneath the surface

breaking ground

does the mirror show

the damage

does the clock

tell the time

did anyone change

the batteries

in the remote

if you didn’t make the mess

would you clean it up


or think someone else


or will

what if

they won’t

what if

they don’t

what if they


what if they



(written in my car Jan. 24, 2024)

Roses in the Snow

there’s a soft glow

of light

just outside her door

it stayed lit

while she was away

growing brighter

by the day

ever bright

at her return

and the birds and squirrels

all know

it was not an easy go

so the birds sing a little louder

and the squirrels play a little longer

and there’s a hummingbird

vibrating just outside her window

he peeks in

for a millisecond

stopping time

but nobody ever sees him

but her

he’s waiting

for Spring

and his feeder

to be filled

to the rim