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Other Side of Somewhere

Other Side of Somewhere

a moment


curls from the cloud

watched it fall


the hard earth

drunk it down

in thirst

past frozen nights

the fury of the wind

fists of rumbled rain

punching in the dark

flash after flash

pressed to the pane

the smallest drop

saturates the soul

leaving body to bone

no matter how old

or how the sun sets

and rises

in the room

light and bright

and beautiful

she stood in them all

and found something to do

something brand new

took a brush

a pail of paint

and kneeled at the corner

behind the metal door

a shade of winter white

for the child

who went missing there

that night

when the moon was out

and about

shining light and bright

and beautiful

out there on the other side

of somewhere


Published inTamiko Lowery