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on the incline

taking the club back

thrusting it down

take the club back

thrust it down

take the club back

thrust it down

take the club back

thrust it down

take the club back

thrust it down

take the club back

thrust it down

take the club back

thrust it down

and all at once

i left the ground

on one plane

the engine inside

full of sparks

was roaring

down the runway

gathering speed

molecular in its distance

gone are the hard things

heavy in their grip

leapt my heart

into the blue

ocean of the sky

humming like the wind

felt the sun rise


the sand so hot

to skin

finds relief

at the bottom

of the sea

where it wept

against obsidian

for a thousand centuries

and became the mist

over the moor


Published inTamiko Lowery