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she colors

the sun yellow

and brings down the ray

to the green grass

that moves like the leaves

in the weeping trees

fluid like clouds in blue water

I lie down

and pick a flower

and twirl it round

and watch a squirrel scurry up


where the birds are

the turtle takes its time

to get to the other side

the rabbit’s chewing a carrot

the cows are chewing grass

the horse is chewing hay

the ladybug’s chewing a leaf

a butterfly takes a dance

across the wind

the hummingbird checks in

there are shadows on the ground

mountains in the distance

a garden full of roses

red apples in the trees

purple grapes on the vine

a path that leads

to a cottage

the windows are yellow

like the daffodils by the door

that come back waving

each year


Published inTamiko Lowery