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slopes of green

waving by

was a backseat window-watcher

drawn to the pathways

wondering where they led …

what was up over that hill

it was the closest i ever got

to golf

in my 30s, I would get out of the car

and walk those pathways

listening to my music

then get back in the car

and drive away

and repeat the next day

it never crossed my mind

to actually play

just loved being out there

on the greens

in the quiet of the morning ray

then I turned 40

and it was like something in me

woke up

golf didn’t care

if I was 40

didn’t care if I knew nothing about the game

didn’t care if I was a stay-at-home-mom

didn’t care if my career was over

didn’t care if I was still struggling with my past

golf didn’t give a damn!

bout any of that

after hitting nothing but dirt for so long

I’ll never forget

the first time I ever stood

on the hill

and didn’t feel like a fool

‘cause the lessons

Jimmy gave

and I got into position

with my used Callaway driver

and rifled the ball

like I never thought I could

it was like electricity coursing through me

and I just stood there

up on that hill

and felt the drops

roll down


Published inTamiko Lowery