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on a Sunday

as the leaves fell

off the branches

I turned to my closet

and did what the Kondo woman

preaches in her book

I took every single item of clothing I own


and held up each piece

and asked myself

what she tells you to ask yourself

“does this spark joy”

turns out very little did

seven heaping helping bags later

I realize this

yes, I’ve weeded out my clothes before

but not like this

there were decades in there

things I would never wear again

things I forgot I had

things with tags

I really thought I might get stuck

in there

as the mountain grew higher and higher

I just kept my head down

and kept going

and going

and going

piece by piece

as the hangers piled up

and the bags were tied

clothing condensed

I thought to myself

well, maybe some of it

will spark joy

for somebody else

out there

that or make a good rag

to clean the car

after the clearing of clothes

Kondo tells her readers

to tackle all the books

then all the papers

then all the miscellaneous

and lastly, the sentimental

you’re supposed to hold up each item

and ask yourself, again

“does this spark joy”

yeah, I’m gonna skip the books

and magazines

and go straight to papers


Published inTamiko Lowery