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Shanti Bhavan

Shanti Bhavan

they say

“it takes a village

to raise a child …”

in India

they do this

in an incredible


watching the stories

unfold across the screen

it reminded me

of Wonka’s “Golden Ticket”

and how the boy from a poor family

is given an opportunity

to change his life, his family’s life

in the documentary series:

“Daughters of Destiny”

they go a step further

in changing all the lives of India

one child at a time

to come from a place of no books

no paper, no pen

then to be given a book

full of words

they don’t understand

and learn how to read those words

until they make sense

how to contemplate them

how to write them

how to re-write them

English, math, history, science, art

it can lift a child

from the darkest depth

out into the light

of understanding

not only themselves

their worth

but others

how the world


the good and the bad

the joy and the sorrow

the love and the hate

the giver and the taker

the connection

what it is to live

and what it is to die


Published inTamiko Lowery