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Last updated on June 22, 2019


there is

a hand

we’re given

not talking cards

or the hands to hold ‘em

this hand

is about time

the ticking hand

of time

that quietly ticks on watches

louder on clocks

it ticks past the 1

past the 2

past the 3

past the 4

past the 5

past the 6

past the 7

past the 8

past the 9

past the 10

past the 11

past the 12

into the afternoon

into the night

into the morning

one single solitary second

ticks to the next

single solitary second

and even if all the clocks

all around the world stopped ticking

on wrists and walls

time would continue turning

the internal clock keeps ticking

so silent

so hushed

we forget

in the rushing

to get there

that we are turning

continually turning

round and round

changing form

becoming more

becoming less

balancing the scale

in the stillness

of a second

one solitary second

we can find

what we seek

in any moment

of any day

of any week

of any month

of any year

it’s there

in the smallness

of a single second

it’s there

like a drop

of dew

on a blade of grass

that shone like a diamond

in the sea


against the velvet

of the night


Published inTamiko Lowery