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Best Friends

Best Friends

She just

Wanted him in the water

She just did


But his four legs

Wouldn’t budge

He knew a bath well

And didn’t like the smell


She tried to tell him

It wasn’t about a bath

That all she wanted

Was a little company

In her plastic pool


But he wouldn’t have it

And sat down on the job


In a tug-of-war

They pulled and pleaded

No end in sight


After awhile

Grandparents gave in

And let her have her way


Proud as a princess she sat

On her plastic throne in her plastic pool

With her dog at her feet

Her hand tight around his harness

There was no getting away


As she began to pet him

He didn’t seem to mind being confined

As she began to talk sweet to him

He nudged closer to hear

As she leaned down and hugged his neck

He realized this water thing

Wasn’t so bad after all

In fact he rather enjoyed

Being loved by this wild child


And so he stayed in that plastic pool

Long after she left

Waiting for her

To come back

And love him

Once more


Published inTamiko Lowery