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More than Meets the Eye

More than Meets the Eye


in a glance

never tell

the true story

of what’s really going on

i can remember as a kid

being in a classroom

and two kids acting out

to get attention

but the teacher never knew

which ones were at fault

so, the whole class stayed in from break

and even though we were all punished

it was unheard of

to tell

on one another

even if we didn’t agree

and thought it was unfair

we still stuck together

as a class

but if someone walked down the hall

and peeked in the door

and saw the whole class with their heads

down on the desk

and the lights off

they might assume

we had all done something


and deserved to stay in from break

and if this kept up

we might start to get labeled

as the “bad class”

that always gets in trouble

and the teacher

no matter how good or bad

might get labeled, too

as a teacher who couldn’t control

their students

and maybe the two boys in class

didn’t get enough attention at home

but got more than enough at school

and maybe they just needed

what we all need

to be seen, to be heard, to be understood

and not thought of

as just a “lost cause”

‘cause one day, those boys

might grow up

and prove the whole class wrong

including their teacher

but especially and more importantly



Published inPoetry