And Everything In-Between
there’s a lady
sitting in the sand
trying to breathe
in and out
a Tsunami hit her hard
and knocked her backwards
and she can’t find her husband
and all his clothes
are floating in the sea
his socks and shoes
just went by
all the papers
the important papers
are scattered
like ash
she reaches for the photographs
the two of them smiling in a frame
wearing silly hats
she can still hear his laugh
feel his touch
his arm around her
his hand in hers
how can she sleep
without him
he was always there
taking care of things
taking care of her
how can she sit at the table
next to an empty chair
they talked about everything
and nothing
they already bought the ticket
he must just be away
he’ll be back in the morning
by next week
he’ll be home for Thanksgiving
he wouldn’t miss Christmas
all this wet wrapping paper
these empty boxes
ribbons washed up
like seaweed
he promised he’d never leave her
why is it so cold
summer was just here
why does it keep raining
and raining
where are the roses
he’s out buying roses
there were none in the market
so he went out searching
for flowers
he’s just in the meadow
picking flowers for you
so he can give them to you
when he sees you
but you’ll have to wait awhile
‘cause you gotta use your ticket
you can’t waste your ticket
you can’t put it in a drawer
it’s redeemable
go where it’s warm
and dry
and pleasant people
like that place
with the sunsets
and the music
go there