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In Repose

Last updated on December 24, 2021

In Repose

i sit

very still

and quiet

at the edge

of the sea

as it says

what it says

to me

i wonder

when it ever rests


on the other end

it’s as still

and as quiet

as me


for the sun

to rise

and sighing

as it



there’s so much

going on

so much

i don’t see

or understand

or know

i feel like

a grain of sand

a drop of wave

picked up

and carried

and tossed around

then set me back


only to return

and retreat

in a rhythmic

and continuous

flow of time

a grain

is but a part

of something



infinitely more

as it travels so far

through time

and space

long nights

and dark days

in the crevice of a shell

tumbling and tumbling and tumbling

before it rests

in a bubble

of rain

and dries

in the breath

of a butterfly

and gets lifted

and carried off

in the careful hands

of a child

who will know

just what to do


Published inPoetry