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Over the Rainbow

Over the Rainbow

at the end

of May

we brought her home

wrapped up

like a tight burrito

with the moon in our eyes

the sun high

nothing but blue skies


we put her in the backseat

me beside her

and drove 35mph

over Second Avenue bridge

i saw nothing

but her

as we went along

down the road

rounding the corner

the bend

down the driveway

through the door

now … 15 years later

i sit in the backseat


and i see nothing

but her

as she hops up

into her Daddy’s truck

adjusts the seat

the wheel

checks the mirror

and drives us


out the driveway

down the street

around the corner

the bend

over Second Avenue bridge

all the way down

the road

straight to Panama

outside the sun shone

bright and beautiful

nothing but blue skies

gentle breeze

inside it rained

in the ray

quiet drops

that slipped to sea

rolling into waves

rushing over sand

and shell

splashing seagulls

and holding up boats

overhead a rainbow

appeared on paper

an empty box of crayons

on the floor

every color was used


Published inPoetry