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Easter Bunny

Easter Bunny

I name him


he appears

on the lawn

before the lights

come on

in the house

I never see

which direction

he comes from

he’s already there

and been there

a while

I watch him

out the window

as he munches


it rained last night

so he has more on his table

he eats fast

he knows there’s a cat

that’ll be up soon

prowling about

he saw what he did

to the chipmunk

last week

and it wasn’t pretty

he eats faster


is his motto

at least that little girl

ain’t chasing him


wonder where she went

he ain’t taking no chances

she used to sneak up on him

and try to catch him good

while his head was down

but the Robin

on the line

always warned him

before she got too close

his white tail


like a taillight

in the distance

he could hear her hollering

Come Back !


Published inPoetry