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Senior Year

Senior Year

she looks

at me

and says

why not

then a war

of words


the teenage years

are not

for the weary


of heart

it’s like

you die

in the desert


and nobody’s


to rescue you

but the death

is on the inside

it’s internal

on the outside

you’re walking around

and talking

and driving to the grocery


stopping at the light

and looking around

and listening to a song

and watching

a bird

and hanging electric lines

and shadows on the street

and the light changes

and you move through it

and walk in the gym

and stare at the bag

for a small eternity

then chop it in-half

for a fragment

and put it back

gather your stuff

and yourself

and walk out the gym

and get in the car

and sit in the silence

for an untimely time

this is hard …

you say to yourself

much harder than you thought

it’d be

and you knew

it’d be hard

emotional stuff

always is

it’s like Joni Mitchell

at the Grammys

tapping her cane

in the final Act

i really don’t know …

l i f e …

at all …


Published inPoetry