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what scar

have you

baby blue

did your mother

rock you

your father, too

was it gentle like a lapping wave

or rough like a crashing cascade

was there a song

for you

was it soft and soothing

or did it scream away the cow,

the moon

did you grow up

too soon

was pain your spoon

was there a choice

in choosing

to stay, to go

or were you too young

to vote

but not too young

for war

did you watch

the bodies fall to floor

was that your mother

on the ground

was that your step-father

with the gun

did he turn and run

and catch a bullet in the back

did you hear the shot

did it bust your drum

this ringing in your ear

do you still hear …

baby blue

what scar

have you


Published inTamiko Lowery