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After That

After That

didn’t date

in high school

didn’t hang

with the wild kids

i stuck with the nerds

‘cause i was a nerd, too

seven years i cheered

made captain senior year

crowned prom queen

when it shoulda went to the blonde

went to college on a scholarship

for leadership

“was a good kid”

never drank or did drugs

or anything else

and I can still hear the car running

parked there under the moon

he told me he had a key to the place

that nobody was home

and we could go inside

and be alone

i had never been with anyone

and he knew that

knew that “i was a good kid”

i had loved him like a father

he was so good to me

believed in me

took time with me

taught me how to drive a truck

made me laugh like nobody

he’d hug me and hold my hand

and tell me how beautiful i was

but then he’d tell me other things

how bad his marriage was

how he wanted to leave

but couldn’t

i was always a good listener

even then

i felt like i owed him

so much

like kids from broken families do

so, when he told me he had a key to the place

and wanted us to go inside

i sat there in the passenger seat

and thought about it

i knew how much he loved me

but i couldn’t do it

i loved his wife, loved his kids

they were the perfect family

i respected that

a family is all i ever really wanted

so, i turned to him

and told him, “i’m sorry, but i can’t”

he nodded and told me he understood, that it was ok

and then he drove me home

and dropped me off

and drove away

i just stood there in my cheerleading uniform

staring up at the stars

feeling all alone

i knew i’d let him down

could see it in his eyes

we never spoke about it again

as if it never happened

but it did

‘cause i was never the same

after that


Published inTamiko Lowery