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Allie Sherlock

Allie Sherlock

her voice


off the street

through the cables

and the dark night

into the vastness

of the open net

and finds me

where I sit

on a Saturday


in the South


she even exists

until I hear the strings

of her guitar

and her voice through the mic

belting out

one of my most favorite


Hallelujah “I heard there was

a secret chord …”

not anyone can sing

this song

the only rendition was Buckley

and he’s dead

this girl’s from Dublin, Ireland

and can sing the notes outta

this song

and I’m sitting there

wondering why


hasn’t this girl

already made it

to the concert stage

why isn’t she

on tour

around the world

doesn’t make sense

and she writes her own


full of aching

and yearning

and need

the music won’t

let her be

she will sing

no matter


whether on the street

or in the car

the shower

the rain

in the cold

the heat

a true artist

must create

what’s inside

it is in their very being

to leave something


and beautiful

and real

behind …

just knowing she is out there

in the world

somewhere singing

and writing

and creating

strumming her guitar

or dancing over the keys

with her pen

and her paper

grammy or no grammy

making music

and gifting it

to the world

… is every reason

why …

(heard her voice for the first time

this morning, Sept. 23, 2023, what a gift)


Published inPoetry