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as i am

as i am

when i was

a child

i disappeared

inside myself

and locked the door

it was a way to cope

with the uncontrollable

circumstances i found myself in

i felt like a prisoner

time forgot

and it didn’t matter where i went

or what i achieved

or what dreams i had

i couldn’t escape

even when i physically had

moved out and on

the inner child

was still stuck

in uncontrollable circumstances

beyond my control

my need for control in all things

is apparent

I crave simplicity

simple things like taking a walk

i took a lot of walks growing up

i felt at peace in nature

there was connection there

an unspoken truth

i knew no matter how dark the night

the sun would rise in the morning

i knew that daffodils would go away and come back again

like the monarchs

i knew the trees offered shade and strength

i knew the sun would kiss the water

and diamonds would appear

like stars in the sky

i knew the wind would fill me

the rain renew me

the sunlight sustain me

these were things i could count on

things that didn’t require

anything of me

for they were free

those were the gifts

He gave

to me


Published inTamiko Lowery