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At the Bottom of a Sole

At the Bottom of a Sole

on the outside

looking in

I guess it depends

on the view

on how you view things

at the window

complex things

internally and externally

that affect the world

the world view

it can feel overwhelming

what’s at stake

too much on the table

too many fingers pointing


there is a forgetting

when lines are drawn

and shields go up

basic things

get scattered

and everywhere you look

a mess

the mind shifts away

from early lessons

first steps

in the soles of another

how can you know

how it feels

if you’ve never worn heels

or boots

or moccasins

or patent leather

or plastic holes

or sequin slippers

or flops

or flats

or tracks

or sandals

or suede

or fins

or wedges

or steel toe

or combat

or tactical

or uniform

or casts

or surgical socks

or second-hand

or bags

or bandage

or bare

it’s hard to judge

a life

you’ve never stepped

a foot in

so why do we do

standing ignorant

in our own

set of shoes


Published inPoetry