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Author: Tamiko Lowery

The Sea at Night

The Sea at Night

the light


from red

behind a lone rig

we crawl

and it feels like a train

slow moving

reminds me of rain

gobbling on glass

I could drift

on over

and pass

buy why

I’m not in a hurry


got Olivia Mae on repeat

the moon’s looming large

and I can’t count the stars

not alone

when I’m alone

encapsulated in my car

my hand at the wheel

I could go anywhere

past the limits

find my way to the beach

take off my coat

and shoes

walk down to the edge

where the water pulls at the sand

and stand there

‘til I can’t see my toes

no more




the movement

of the body

is a gift

the movement

of the mind

is a magic gift

the movement

of the spirit

is beyond

a gift

to forget this

to lose this

lose touch of this

is detrimental

to our very being

our existence

above ground

the seeker inside

must be a child

who wakes up from a nap

and is

truly awake

truly present

in the moment

missing nothing

wasting nothing

all gifts in motion

like the waves

in the sea



Snow Day

Snow Day

there’s glitter

in the air

it shimmers

like white sand

and sparkles like the sea

stars on a cold night

the dew on grass

drops of rain on a branch

diamonds crunching


a chandelier of icicles


a pauper is king


Something Green

Something Green

you don’t have

to have

a hundred acres

to be happy

you don’t even have

to have

a backyard

to be happy

dirt is free

natural and abundant

dig some up

and put some in a pot

or a container

or whatever

and put some holes

at the bottom

drain out the water

seeds or rooted plants

don’t care where

you put ‘em

whether it’s a hundred acres

or the backyard

or a single pot

something good will grow

if you water it

and put it in the sun

and hum

you’ll be happy


The Unexpected

The Unexpected

never ever really


a jewelry-kinda-gal

I like pearls


and that’s about it

or so I thought

and I wasn’t even shopping for myself

looking for something special

for my daughter for Christmas

when my eye got caught

on something blue

it was a ring

in a simple setting

and as soon as I put it on my finger

I knew

I had to have it

but I wasn’t shopping for myself

so I stood there

like a fool

staring at it under the glass

mumbling to myself

what am I doing

I’ve never bought myself jewelry like that

but that day

something came over me

and there was no way

I was leaving

without it

and the nice lady

even wrapped it up gold

with a ribbon

as if I could wait ‘til Christmas

soon as I got in the car

I ripped it open

and put it on my finger

and sighed with relief

the color of the stone


reminds me of the sky

and blue water

it’s like having a teeny tiny pond

always on hand




the ground

is cold

so cold

to the touch

you forget it was ever


maybe it’s warm below

or maybe it’s ice cold

the wind is winter

birds do not bathe in winter

breath of smoke

like a chimney in a row

a cup of coffee carried

the snow fell

like an afterthought

and then decided why not

and covered the ground

clouds on the grass

I do not walk on clouds

I swim in the sea

and bathe like a bird

the water warm with suds

toes tangled in seaweed

so much of life is left in a wake

the compass cuts four ways

just hatched turtles

have no choice

they belong in the ocean

a line in the sand





on this

the new day

of the new year

what is it

that causes you

to pause

and reassess

we all have an internal list

of sorts

spoken and unspoken

acknowledged and unacknowledged

mine is long … and tedious

much of the same old same old

but there are a few things

big things

I’ve taken off the list

this year




there are ways

around anything

and everything

all things

but death

there’s no way

around that

and though your belief

may lift you up

into eternal light


you will no longer

be here

with your laughter and tears

and I don’t care who you are

or who you think you are

or what you believe

or don’t believe

healthy or not

there is a great sadness

to leaving

and knowing you’ll never

come back

to this very place

in time

to this world

you are born

the impossibility of knowing it


in but one lifetime

as it were




busy with

other things

made my way back

last night

to my poor plants

and saw that they’d held up

in my absence

as I went around watering

I found a single stem

a long-stem white rose

in full bloom

its moonlight glow

two days before


had been growing quiet

and I never saw it

that morning

when we laid the cat


and I never saw it

that night

when we took him out

to bury him

but it was there all along

its fragrance

in the air


Quiet Strength

Quiet Strength

as I walked


I thought about

all the things

I didn’t say

what do you say

as I walked


I thought about

all the things

you didn’t say

what do you say

so, instead

we smiled

and laughed

and acted like

everything was ok

and as I looked at your beautiful face

so young

and heard you laugh like a tinkling piano

and joke about shopping at the last minute

I realized

in those precious few moments

what a gift you gave

you never chose to be this gift

this force in the universe

that gets up every day

and steps out the door

and drives down the road

and gets out of the car

and goes on …

but you are

you are a gift

‘cause you believe

deep in your very soul

this isn’t it

that someday

one day

you will see your little boy again

and he will know you

and be proud of you

and as he holds you ever tight

he’ll whisper in your ear

Mama … Mama … Mama …

it’s all right …

you kept me alive

with the light

in your eyes




ok, I’m gonna

write about you

so, I can let you go

I remember when I held you

so small in my hands

a baby panther

your eyes glowed

looking deep into my soul

and at first you weren’t so sure

about us

‘cause somebody left you

on the street

to die

a good-hearted man found you

and scooped you up

and brought you home

and we loved you

just like that

we watched you grow

from a kitten to a cat

to a ninja

and just the other day

I took your picture

as you stared out at the snow

how would I know

you’d be dead soon

how would I know

on a school morning

walking out to the car

that we’d find you

lying there under the truck

not asleep but dead

and I don’t know what happened to you

and I don’t want to know what happened to you

like the rabbit

I don’t want to know

all I know is I see you everywhere

and I hear you everywhere

and I wish you were still here

looking up at me

with those glowing burning eyes

and while the birds and chipmunks rejoice

we who loved you so

are finding it hard

I finally put lights on the tree

but no ornaments





if you’re wondering

where I’ve been

and haven’t seen me

in so long

I’ve probably been hiding

within the pages

of a book

I can’t put down

I feel joy


when I’m standing in a room

full of books

they comfort me


and ease my mind

I am still a child


that seeks comfort

in none but a book

I run away

to distant lands

the rise and fall and lift

of words

is like music to me

a lullaby

that rocks me in the night

and when I needed

the strength

that only the right book

at the right time

can afford

one or two or three

they somehow found their way

to me

and only now

at mid-life

do I finally feel




the Tiger inside

the Tiger inside

not for

the applause

not for

the trophy

not for

the endorsements

not for

the rankings

not for

the cameras

not for

the cover

not for

the nod

won’t be

for none of that

on Thursday

it’ll just be about


for the joy

of being able

to play

the Greatest Game

there ever was

like riding a bike

you never forget


you just pick it back up

find your balance

and keep climbing


Shanti Bhavan

Shanti Bhavan

they say

“it takes a village

to raise a child …”

in India

they do this

in an incredible


watching the stories

unfold across the screen

it reminded me

of Wonka’s “Golden Ticket”

and how the boy from a poor family

is given an opportunity

to change his life, his family’s life

in the documentary series:

“Daughters of Destiny”

they go a step further

in changing all the lives of India

one child at a time

to come from a place of no books

no paper, no pen

then to be given a book

full of words

they don’t understand

and learn how to read those words

until they make sense

how to contemplate them

how to write them

how to re-write them

English, math, history, science, art

it can lift a child

from the darkest depth

out into the light

of understanding

not only themselves

their worth

but others

how the world


the good and the bad

the joy and the sorrow

the love and the hate

the giver and the taker

the connection

what it is to live

and what it is to die


Message in a Bottle

Message in a Bottle

I do love


but I swear

I jest took

the tree down


Thanksgiving next week

Christmas next month

the New Year


I mean really



time jest

keeps falling

in the glass

like running water

in a faucet

you become

more and more

aware of this

with each passing

all the memories

moments given

wrapped with ribbon

like Andy Whitfield

once said

“be here now”


Thank You

Thank You

when they


their home

their very land

some come back …

and some don’t

some come back …

and can adjust

and some come back …

and can’t

some come back …

physically changed

and some come back …

mentally changed

and some come back …

but they’re still there

and they do this

time and time


simply so

that other things

important things

can stay the same

here at home

in their very land


Sunlight on the Sea

Sunlight on the Sea

I have a


of diamonds


from the corners

where water falls


icicles in the sun


one by one


I stoop

and pick up the shards

and carry them

to the edge

of an endless sea

my hand unclenched

i’m blinded by

the sun


Behind the Scenes

Behind the Scenes

it took



to be able

to take the turn

and drive down

that road

past that place

and even more

to write about it

I had gone there

to cover a story

in February of 2008

a story about an infant

who had just been found


in a drainage ditch

at an apartment complex

days later

I quit my job

there had been another story

just prior

sitting in a courtroom

listening to a report

of neglect and horrifying abuse

of a small child

I cried through the whole thing

cried all the way back to work

cried in the work restroom

cried all the way home

cried in the shower

cried on the pillow

then they sent me to cover

a story

about an infant

left in a ditch

and even though

I can drive by


it don’t mean

I don’t still





on a Sunday

as the leaves fell

off the branches

I turned to my closet

and did what the Kondo woman

preaches in her book

I took every single item of clothing I own


and held up each piece

and asked myself

what she tells you to ask yourself

“does this spark joy”

turns out very little did

seven heaping helping bags later

I realize this

yes, I’ve weeded out my clothes before

but not like this

there were decades in there

things I would never wear again

things I forgot I had

things with tags

I really thought I might get stuck

in there

as the mountain grew higher and higher

I just kept my head down

and kept going

and going

and going

piece by piece

as the hangers piled up

and the bags were tied

clothing condensed

I thought to myself

well, maybe some of it

will spark joy

for somebody else

out there

that or make a good rag

to clean the car

after the clearing of clothes

Kondo tells her readers

to tackle all the books

then all the papers

then all the miscellaneous

and lastly, the sentimental

you’re supposed to hold up each item

and ask yourself, again

“does this spark joy”

yeah, I’m gonna skip the books

and magazines

and go straight to papers


Mr. White

Mr. White

the morning


your funeral

I see …

that you have died

70’s too young, Bill

ain’t it

you had a cowboy way about you

a loner on the range

ready to ride out

at first light

in the dew and mist

ever searching for something

intangible to capture

you taught me how

to take a decent shot

even got an A

in your photojournalism class

and since it’s a small world

I’d end up sitting next to you

in the newsroom

you were a better photographer than a writer

great photos need no words

you carried a camera around

like some men carry guns


you were hard to read

smiling with that gap in your teeth

and raising a wired brow

your eyes seemed to hold secrets

maybe painful ones

we never talked like that

but you did love to talk about surface things

your photos delved deeper

for a close reader