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Author: Tamiko Lowery




I jest












the old English

blue and white


that I found

off the Internet

about a year ago

and had to have

‘cause of its

faded blue


that had me

at the castle

where the silent sailboats

drift on by

and now, I’m thinking why

didn’t I

drink from it

on the daily

instead of

jest gazing at it

from afar

now, I gotta go out

and find

some cement

to seal it

and hope my tea

don’t seep

into the sea

through the crack of Gibraltar




I’ve run out

of frames

for all the pictures

in my pocket

places I’ve been

people I’ve met

moments I’ve had


the pictures fade

in time

the faces, all the places

run together

but the feeling

I felt

in the stills

is like a gift

I can open

whenever I want

wherever I am

however it is

at the last of it

when the eyes close

the body no more

there the picture

streaming like a river

in a golden frame


Ladies Golf

Ladies Golf

one was

from Spain

one was

from Georgia

one was

from Columbia

and the one

from Alabama

was watching


and Georgia

and Columbia

lift a little ball

from the ground


to send it sailing

through the years

past all the practice

when Spain

and Georgia

and Columbia

were once 10, too

lifting a little ball

from the ground


like the one

from Alabama




a certain


can be dropped

into the soil

to turn

a pink hydrangea


depending on the amount

and taking into account

the sun and rain

times two

the blue can be

a porcelain rose

a cloudless sky

a robin’s egg

a denim patch

a crayon scratch

a baby’s bonnet

a dress she wore

a ribbon in her hair

a shoe in a song

a book about

a bowl of blueberries

a bird in a tree

a note he never read

a note she never wrote




leave it

in September

close the door

and let the wind

do what it does

don’t try to put the leaves

back on the trees

it never works

try to trust

in time

a new leaf

grows back

and then another

and another

and another


After That

After That

didn’t date

in high school

didn’t hang

with the wild kids

i stuck with the nerds

‘cause i was a nerd, too

seven years i cheered

made captain senior year

crowned prom queen

when it shoulda went to the blonde

went to college on a scholarship

for leadership

“was a good kid”

never drank or did drugs

or anything else

and I can still hear the car running

parked there under the moon

he told me he had a key to the place

that nobody was home

and we could go inside

and be alone

i had never been with anyone

and he knew that

knew that “i was a good kid”

i had loved him like a father

he was so good to me

believed in me

took time with me

taught me how to drive a truck

made me laugh like nobody

he’d hug me and hold my hand

and tell me how beautiful i was

but then he’d tell me other things

how bad his marriage was

how he wanted to leave

but couldn’t

i was always a good listener

even then

i felt like i owed him

so much

like kids from broken families do

so, when he told me he had a key to the place

and wanted us to go inside

i sat there in the passenger seat

and thought about it

i knew how much he loved me

but i couldn’t do it

i loved his wife, loved his kids

they were the perfect family

i respected that

a family is all i ever really wanted

so, i turned to him

and told him, “i’m sorry, but i can’t”

he nodded and told me he understood, that it was ok

and then he drove me home

and dropped me off

and drove away

i just stood there in my cheerleading uniform

staring up at the stars

feeling all alone

i knew i’d let him down

could see it in his eyes

we never spoke about it again

as if it never happened

but it did

‘cause i was never the same

after that




the lights

in the windows

seem to glow


from the street

you can imagine

what it’s like


if there are flowers in a vase

candles on the table

a song to set the mood

white plates to see the food

and it’s raining outside

to make it that much better


but you’ll need a reservation

for table number seven

way back in the corner

where nobody ever goes to sit

there aren’t any flowers there

no song

or candles or plates

just empty space

with a wall of glass

dusted in raindrops

to catch the light

the morning ray

the beams at night

and all the traffic lights

that stream on by

like diamonds on the drink

shimmering in the light

blinking in the sky

when it’s all dark outside


Full Circle

Full Circle

my closet

is bigger

than the room

i grew up in

a room that

belonged to a boy

the other to his brother

it was never meant

for me

i always knew that

i remembered

a bigger room

with a hardwood floor

and it was upstairs

with a window

that overlooked the woods

and you could watch the snow fall

the leaves change color

and there was a pond nearby

that i’d skate on in the winter

it’s funny what you remember

what you can’t forget

a white two-story house

with a For Sale sign in the yard

getting on a plane

and leaving the only home i knew

looking for a house

in the Deep South

and she picked the one

near a family of four

a mom, a dad and two boys

none of us kids

knew what was happening

it happened so fast

one minute we’re moved into the house

next door

to the family of four

the next minute

they’re moving out

and we’re moving in

but the father stayed

a man i didn’t know

i already had a father, an adoptive father

he was up North selling the house

and then suddenly he was there


i had never seen him cry before

but he was crying all the time

he went to court for custody

but lost

and one day, when i was 8, he sat me down

and told me he had to go away

and start his life all over

so, he left me


in a room

that was never meant

for me

and he never came back

but i never blamed him for that

‘cause i understood

he kept my pictures in a drawer

3 wallet-size laminated pictures

and when I saw those pictures in the drawer

after all those years

I knew he had never forgotten me

and when he died

I thought my life was over

I was so angry with God

hadn’t I done everything right

hadn’t I suffered enough

why would He take the one person

I loved the most

four years after he died

I got married

to a man my father would have loved

10 years after I married

we had a baby girl

had my father lived

I would have had a very different life

probably anchoring the news somewhere

in some big shot city

running here and there

ever searching for the life

I have right now



The mind expands
As the heart bleeds out
This I know

A foot hesitates
Before it drops down
This I know

The rain
Is real
And you have to walk through it
Not around it
This I know

There are times
When it’s just too cold
To feel
What you’re feeling
This I know

The night can last
For all time
Like love, like hate
This I know

The body falls
The mind breaks
But the eyes are wide open
This I know

There is no solace
In the hour of loss
That un-ending hour
This I know

The falling of love
Is all there is …
Like the end of days
That pass through time
This I know



the things

that disappear

end up where

lids on boxes

are stacked

and shipped

and sent over seas

cargo, freight

loaded and unloaded

stamped: fragile

bubble wrapped

and taped twice

destination unknown

conveyer belt

drops the boxes


into the department

of shipping and handling

where all black boxes


to unload luggage

unnecessary at customs

the inspection is thorough

and complete

no weight

before departure


A Slow Death

A Slow Death

black bird

I see your shadow

on the ground

why would this day

be any different

for you

than any other day

the sky is blue

the wind in your wings

worms after the rain

all the trees are yours

but that’s how it is

you get used to things

as they are

like waking up

ready for bed

and you never hear it


silent as snow

then it’s too late

to cry

or care

the sky so blue

how it felt to fly

when the world was yours

below a dot

just a black dot on cement

like a beetle in the dirt

that tried to crawl away

before it was crunched





did you

ever hear

a cardinal sing

with an opera chest

and a cone crown

and a red robe

and you forgot

the day

the week

the month

the year

neither dark

nor light

but gray

like the moor

in early morn

laced in silver threads

spun from spools

of spider legs

and the song

had something


something you knew


else or any

when even if

the night was long

l o n e l y

you could close

your eyes

and count on it

shield yourself

from harm

within the breath

of dreams

beneath the bough

apart from season

or other things

that change

a child

like how she hears

a cardinal sing


From Old to New

From Old to New

there is blood

on the linoleum

dark and dried

it won’t scrub clean

the girl on her knees


to clean it up

it bothered her

being there

soon as you walked in the door

she saw it

that was the welcome mat

nobody talked about it

that’s how it always was

the morning after

but there was evidence

this time

broken bottles can be swept away

doors can be replaced

like furniture and lamps and dishes and collectibles

holes in the walls can be fixed

like screens and windows and handles

bruises on the skin

can disappear

nights in the ER

stop blinking

yelling and screaming

can quiet down

threatening thunder

can clear like a cloud

knives can be put back in the drawer

chainsaws can be turned off

beers and bottles can be trashed

but a pool of dried blood

on a linoleum floor

won’t evaporate

or dissolve

and the girl stares

at the stain

on her way out

and her way back in

maybe it bothered them, too

years after she left

they got rid of the whole thing

and had something squeaky clean delivered

new locks and doors

new walls and windows

new furniture and floors

all new floors

but they never could quite

get rid of that stain

‘cause it bled on through


Child Abuse

Child Abuse

broken bottles

in the ditch

locked my door

went under cover

wished for



book to book

nobody knew

what I really went through

8 to 18

all they saw …

Rah, Rah, Rah

“Most Likely

To Succeed …”

they never saw

a child

always afraid

of the drink

of dark

the girl who

never wanted to

go home

used to say

i got away

told myself

“but they never hurt me …”

only later

would I realize

when they hurt each other

they were hurting me

only later

would I realize

each time they tried

to kill each other

they were killing me

only later

would I realize

the abuse

of sWords

cut the core

of who you are

or ever hope to be

only later

would I realize

a drunk

has no memory

no remorse

not even to this day

only later

would I realize

how deep

the damage …

how torn

the trust …

only later

would I realize

you can only

run so far

only later

would I realize

certain things

only God

can forgive …

(took me 40 years to realize)


Ever After

Ever After

into the night

swirl the stars

catch the edge of the moon

at the tip of the pyramid

like Rome

from the ground up

a mastering of the mind

what it imagines

in the realm

of thought

the child knows

how it ends

even if the story

changes form

the ending is the same

we long for it

in that first glimpse

of what could be


Papa T

Papa T

at the bottom

of September

it’ll be a year

your house

in limbo

like we

and I wish

you hadn’t died

like that


wasn’t fair

the rage I feel

helpless to help

what do you do with that

it just follows you

in and out the door

and mocks you in the mirror

quiet in the morning

before it all

begins and ends

and circles

back around



On This Day

On This Day

he’ll sit there

on the front row

not the middle

or the last

but the front

his heart in his eyes

it’ll all go by

he’ll bow his head

and get up

and walk out

to the car

at the front of the line

and he won’t want

to get out

won’t want to stand there

in the sunlight

on this day

this summer day

so, he’ll have to sit down

and he won’t want to get back up

won’t want to drive away

and go back home

but she won’t have it

and she’ll tell him so

she’ll tell him no

you gotta go

you gotta go on …

go on now


It Waits

It Waits

there’s something

to be said

about old love

it stands alone

at the window

watching the sun come up

and go back down

it sits at the table

in the chair


in a corner booth

a Sunday pew

it walks down the hall

ready for bed

but doesn’t sleep

it’s counting stars

and sheep

and all the years

the life it made

the photo album’s fat and full

the song’s still playing on the radio

like it did back then

the movies re-run

the book picked up

where it left off

finishing sentences

being the punchline

yelling back

trying not to laugh

picking up the phone

so the other don’t worry

holding the umbrella

the suitcase

waiting for the other

to come back out

all dressed up

and there were roses

without occasion

moments without saying

and you can’t explain it

to a newlywed

yeah, there’s something

to be said

about old love

and how it waits