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Author: Tamiko Lowery

“Be Still …”

“Be Still …”

it was

a night

when the lights

went out

and we sat there seven

in the dark

without our faces


and talked

and didn’t talk

and time did what time does

right there

in that brick box

we sat in

where the collection

of things

are kept

under lock and key

and in the pitch

we could not see

any of it

and we could breathe

a baby’s breath

a sigh of bliss

for all we miss

and I reach for this

when the lights go out


Back Again

Back Again

the plane

flew low

in this

small town

I know

where the


was small

when i was

and they called it


for years

and years

and years

then somebody

had a bright idea

to call it

Colonial …

and I forget the rest

but it never


so they changed it

back to


but it didn’t stick

so they came up with …


as in the university

and now

it’s big and bright

catalog stripes

but still

no books

like it used to be

across from toys

next to Sears

gone is Sears

got the toys back

and took the Dollar out

but left the books

to Millions and Hastings

maybe they jest

haven’t gotten around

to restoring

lost and found

in The Village


“Across the Border”

“Across the Border”

if you’re looking

you won’t find her


turn around

and go

the other way

and when the road

runs out

into the sea

you won’t need

a sign

a compass

or a key

end of strands

will tell

which way

she went




if you stop

loving her

tell her

don’t sell her

if you stop

loving him

tell him

don’t sell him

it’s what

I would have

said to you

but you told me

too late

or too early

or too much

and it tarnished

the truth

of what

I thought

of you

from public


to church and state

to friends

and family

this blind belief

couldn’t be

not him, not her

and the cynic says,

yes, oh yes, it can be

“it is what it is”




there were

three blue shells

that made it

on the way down

but didn’t make it

on the way up

and the mother bird

was a speck of pepper

on the cloud


The Soul

The Soul

in the


of your being

there is


of long ago

a place you’ve been

where you were


a butterfly’s wing

all of it

in a day

every moment

that was

that could be

that can be

that won’t be

that may be

and the eyes

don’t change

when everything else

and I saw you

as I see you

we are the same


Sight Unseen

Sight Unseen

a petal

before it falls

a raindrop

before it catches

a dandelion

before it scatters

a snowflake

before it hits

a leaf

before it lifts

a sky

before it clouds

a morning

before it mists

a shadow

before it drips


Life and Death

Life and Death

for some


beyond reasoning

I had this idea

this unspoken idea

that I carried around

through grade school

through high school

through that Freshman year

that somehow

he held all the answers

that if I could just sit down

with him


with my questions

I’d be all right

I’d be able to go on with my life

move past it

like a force

a gravitational force

pulling at me

across the map

into one frame

and I remember feeling

so clear about it

like it wasn’t a choice

I had to go

I didn’t have to come back

but I had to go

I had to know

I had to ask

I had to try

to get something back

that had been taken from me

but he died

at the end of the day

before I could


or try

I got to know


accepting this

would take two decades

marriage and motherhood

to understand

I am

the way I am




maybe if

I didn’t know

maybe I could get

some sleep

and dream again

of something


deeply down

not a surface scratch

of daylight dozing

a zombie stare

into the middle of nowhere

I see my peers there

in pretense

they, too, are disappointed

for Christmas lasts

but a day

when you first believed

there wasn’t a receipt

time I believe

time is what I know

to be true

maybe the only truth

you have this time

this time given to you

in a glass bottle


and you take it

and chunk it

into the bluest sea

and hope for the best

as you step bare

across all that sand


spilt into a glassy sea

that shimmers

and looms at night

now, they sit

at traffic lights

moving in mechanic waves

across a dark abyss

where the moon moans

and grapples with gravity


and return


The Hours

The Hours

we live

a long distance

a short turn

a middle mile

and the history books tell

the stories

of how people were

the times they lived in

died in

what they faced

what they had to overcome

war and famine

persecution and property

the selling of someone

the judgment of belief

or disbelief

the taking of a life

were it not your own



and children

too much to atone

there is no present

the past has not provided

“a small world …

after all”




remember when

walking backwards

was something new

and you showed it off

to blue

but he already knew

was way ahead of you

now his back’s against the wall

and he won’t move


Cup in Saucer

Cup in Saucer

there is

a pond

of glass

the mist

figure eights

broken by the sip

of a stained lip

pressed into

the rim

of a heated kiss

in need

of cooling


Letting Go

Letting Go

think my


‘s down

can’t close

to remember

‘til it rains


and then

everything inside

gets good

and wet

and floats on out

the crack

in the ceiling

to a place

I never needed

after all


A Moment in Time

A Moment in Time

first boat ride

was a canoe

and i sat there

in the middle

of the two

staring at the water lilies

fascinated by floating flowers

i couldn’t convey

that day

out there on the water

feeling connected to nature

thinking we’d always be


gliding along

like swans

only now do I understand

the depth

for the canoe is gone

and the two of ‘em

never got back in the boat

and the child

in the middle

got old

and hasn’t seen

a floating flower since

but still wants to …

still wants to get back

in the boat

and glide


When We Drive

When We Drive

took a detour

from the traffic

adjusted the seat

lifted the wheel

and she wasted no time

climbing over the console

to assume her throne

while I work the pedals

she works the wheel

and off we go

round and round


and the bird gets outta the way

and the puddle

gets a hit

‘cause she don’t miss

and the butterfly

disappears right quick

and the rabbits know

to stay put

and the worms well

it’s tough being a worm

and she loves that song

turn it up!

singing along

laughing like hyenas

round and round

we go

nice and slow

“faster, mama,

can’t we go any faster!”

yeah, no


Ripple Effect

Ripple Effect

the sound of the sea

calls to me

the gurgle of a stream

meets me

the vibration of a lake

draws me

the rolling of a river

charges me

the sheets of rain

follow me

the pockets of puddles

empty me

the spray of fountains

wish me

the ritual of a bath

centers me

the stretch of a pool

pushes me

the cascade of a waterfall

stills me

the trail of a tear

carries me


Memories Maketh

Memories Maketh

do things

hold memories

or do you

put the memory

in a thing

a house has no memory

but the people in it – do

and when they leave

they take the memories with them

but the house has no memory

of them

and all the things

stored inside the house

have no memory

of ever being used

or packed

or stacked

or shelved

or buried

but the people

who keep these things – do

and when they leave

the things

they take the memories with them

but the things have no memory

of them

people tend to hoard memories

seemingly never satisfied

never enough

make a moment more

make it less

remake it

replace it

rewind it

revolve it

place it here

put it there

give it more light

less light

no, don’t touch it!

leave it there

but he’s gone

and he’s never coming back

but she’s gone

and she’s never coming back

but that’s all I have … left

of him

of her

of them

what about the memory

do you need that thing

to remember them by

if you lost it

would you not remember them anymore

yes, but …

I need it

I need to hold on

to it

so, don’t touch it!

leave it there

all right, ok, we’ll leave it there

we won’t touch it

but I’m going over here

I’ll be over here

if you need me

right here

if you need me

but I can’t see you

over the stack

yeah, but

you can hear me, right

do you hear me

yeah, I hear ‘ya




cardboard castles

and stuffed dragons

distressed maidens

and distant knights

the drawbridge up

the drawbridge down

the torches lit

the feast abounds

her hand in his

they dance

without a hint

of longing

chivalrous and demure

a gloved hand

a terse nod

years go by

they dance again


without a breath

between them