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Author: Tamiko Lowery

The Lamp

The Lamp

my grandmother

never forgave my mother

for selling the fine China,

the furnishings

and all the antiques

especially the lamp

the one with the hand-painted roses

etched across two globes

of course, there were many things, she never forgave

but these were the tangibles

and it didn’t matter

if the plant had closed

if Dad had lost his job

if the house had to be sold

the white, two-story one on Three Rivers Road

it didn’t matter

if we flew South

if a marriage didn’t make it

if what was lost

hadn’t a thing to do

with what was auctioned off

it didn’t matter

if the fine China,

the furnishings

and all the antiques

especially the lamp

the one with the hand-painted roses

etched across two globes

no, it didn’t matter

if it all came back

it only mattered

to her

and so


you’d be happy to know


I found a little lamp

with hand-painted roses

etched across one globe

and thought of you

and how I wish …

you were alive

to give it to




she had

her head


forehead pressed

against the wheel

her long hair

hanging like curtains

she wasn’t dead

turned her head

to the left

then back to center

maybe it was about money

or the lack of it

maybe it was about her kids

or the lack of it

maybe it was about her husband

or the lack of it

maybe it was about her job

or the lack of it

maybe it was about her family

or the lack of it

maybe it was about her home

or the lack of it

maybe it was about everything

or the lack of it




tiny and I

were watching

people go by

and wired were we

from free

mocha shots

swinging our feet

to an internal beat

and sipping sweetly

above a whip cream rim

she told me

about her day

how she made a crown,

a necklace and raced around

how Jack doesn’t like girls

but plays with her anyway

and then she sings …

“Alligator Pie, Alligator Pie,

if I don’t get some

I think I’m gonna die …”

and she whistles

and winks

and sticks out her tongue

and says,

“Ok, I’m done,

now, let’s go do

something fun”


“With Friends Like That”

“With Friends Like That”

if you love


right away

just as they are

you’re in for it

for the gift

of love

is it

where’s there

left to go

when there’s


above it

only below

so if you’re



anything at all

best you wait a bit

and see it through

past the fuzzy hue

and you, and you, and you

for when it all

goes south

it’s only then

you’ll see

what love is


if you were right

all along

or wrong as wrong could be

if you love


right away

the day

will come


a week, a month, a year

when it’ll be too late

to take it back

and then what a mess …

what a friend

you turned out

to be




but he was

just on the phone

he said he was

on his way home

we were going

to watch a movie

“The Last of the Mohicans”

I don’t understand what you’re saying …

we were just on the phone,

and he’s coming home




to the kid

in the corner

don’t lie there long




wait for

the opening

one, two

one, two

one, two

that’s you

that’s you

that’s you

fight for it

for everything

you don’t have



Bill Robinson

Bill Robinson

he used to shuffle in

his possessions

under arm

sacked in rumpled paper

cave fire in his eyes

like an old lion

he’d take stock

of the jungle

and eye an empty throne

and on the descent

he’d let out the breath

he was holding

and wherever he chose

to reign

you’d hear his deep, low growl

and whatever you said

he knew the verse

like he wrote it

wild words loved him

he could take

the balled up page

somebody trashed

and make it move

like wind on water

and you could swim

in that channel

dawn to dusk

from key to key

without tire




we live

on the same planet

yet, for each of us, it’s

a different world

our story

a universal rhyme

but within each line

a note

unto ourselves

read by one

not by all

the need, the want

the dream, the nightmare

and if you’ve suffered

some at all

then you know

the tears that travel

through time and space and class

for there is love

for the pauper and the prince

the saint and the sinner

and the greater it is

the deeper the death

this love you’ve found

in this life you live

ever greater still

would not it be

the sorrow that was never yours

the love you never had

to lose




Friday night

two-lane street

dot of lights

strung neath a sliver

window watch

fist of coins drop

in the slot

almost hear

the whirl

of the dryer

and there’s frost tonight

snow sometime


grab a buggy

hope the wheels

don’t stick

cross it off the list

and there’s a guy on the corner

of high traffic

and he’s mopping the floor

old school

as a young gun

pushes through double doors

hauling boxes of juice down the aisle

and he calls out to the guy with the mop

“Hey, Mr. Wire. How ya doing tonight.”

and he says, “Good.”

back and forth

and it’s gonna be a long night

from the look of things  

steady stream

in and out

and old Mr. Wire

he’s got nowhere

to go

but back and forth


Take It

Take It

was it right

all the wrong

this little girl

over her shoulder

sees the dawn

and knows it now

what was right

what was wrong

take the blood

take the bones

take the heart

take the memory

but forget

the soul

for it moves on

and on and on and on


Night Falls

Night Falls

and the stars

in the sky

look the same

cardboard box

or prison pane

multi estate

or backstreet alley

seafaring vessel

or locomotive ribbon

concert stage

or welfare line


or bathroom

country road

or city street


or silent sea

cycle lane

or Harley hog


or bar side

football field

or distant knoll

courthouse clock

or vacant lot


or mud hole

third world

or Disney


no hat




the track they see

is open and free

if only they could run it

run it for me


the sky before night

is a palette of passion

if only they could see it

see it for me


the steel of a guitar

the depth of a sax

the weeping of a violin

the wave upon wave of lapping keys

the boom da boom da boom of dealing drums

if only they could hear it

hear it for me


the touch of a hand

barely a butterfly

like a baby’s breath

if only they could feel it

feel it for me


the kiss of the sun, the hold of the moon, the jewel of a star

the loss of leaves for greener ones

the high wind a distant breeze

the lilies of the valley say, “I do”

the dust of snow in your hair

the rain, the rain, the rain

the fog and the dew

the clouds of dust that show the road

the well with a wish at the bottom

the wheat in the field

the roots rising, the tiny plant punching up

the rocks of the river in surrender

the mountains shadowed and symbolic

and the prism turns up in a frown

and left you

a smile

bottle it for me





at the light

a standard style truck

braked at the front

of the line

never saw the faces

just the backs

small forms of white

the smallest to the left

neither turned

nor talked

the sky gray-blue

the wind a memory

what was the necessity

packages or papers or property or prescriptions

ever it was

there was a purpose

a plan, a priority, a process

and at the appropriate speed

they went

about their way


New Year

New Year

just a different


pain doesn’t up

and go away

whatever the struggle

it’s within

numb to most things

the heart hardens

harder to break

work the next day

and it’s just a job

less you love it

and the children laugh

and play

and the only ones

who really pay attention

are the old and gray

or the “no cures”

and the grass isn’t green

like when the stone was planted

and something happened

to that someone

for it to be that bad

and the wash is waiting

order up

“out with the old”

and it’s never new

was it all for naught

or did Thou

love Thee


in the dark




sitting in

a Chinese restaurant

waiting for

fortune cookies

and the cook comes out

his shirt wet

from washing

and chopping

and mopping

and woking

and he starts systematically

clearing away tables

and looks over at me


and asks, “what nationality”

automatic reply

predictable follow-up

automatic reply

“no, I don’t speak the language”


then the look

pity … no family

then he looks at tiny

“is she your only”

automatic reply

predictable follow-up

automatic reply

“we’re talking about it”


then he looks at me

“she will be lonely …”

nod my head

and look at the floor

and say,

“just don’t know

if I could ever

love another

as much”

he smiles

and says,

“it’s the same.

I have two girls,

and it’s the same love.”


is it


“White Christmas”

“White Christmas”


and was

too tired

to care

barely there

to freeze frame

never felt

more adult

walked barefoot

in the cold

watched tiny

gobble gobs

looked up

at the moon

looming large

and lonesome

stood like a statue

like stone

the night

a chilled drink

should have

toasted it


traded it

for a cup

of hot tea




keep thinking

about him

out there

in that pasture

all alone


his last

how he won’t

be there

Christmas morning

when his grandkids

undo the ribbon

how he won’t

get to taste all the treats

his wife made

or be there

to hear his kids talk

to ask ‘em how they’re doing

or to answer the doorbell

or the phone

or somebody’s wish

how he won’t

be driving around

in his truck

over the 2-lane bridge

on 2nd Avenue

that maroon truck

his dog knew

so well




what is a world

where conformity

steals individuality

where the need to feel big

makes another feel small

where the jealousy

of school girls

sends another

out the door

where the power

to “fit in”

blurs the pane

and breaks the frame

where instant gratification

removes any inclination …

where the need for public attention

overshadows the best intention

where the likes and the dislikes

carry over

to the love and the hate

multiplied and divided

to total what

where what a girl wants

is altogether different

than what a boy wants

where lessons

are learned

and scores are settled

where the strong rise

and the weak get by

where the sensitivity of a boy

is mocked and ridiculed

and brought to bare

where looking good

means more

than feeling good

where concealed weapons

are not the only

cause for fear

and it really is the world

out there

just contained

in time

within stone walls

hidden in locker halls

and made visible

in the blank stare

of that boy


that girl



One Down

One Down

dropped a dish


on tile

swept white shards

and lint-like specks

whole one second

shattered the next

trashed the pieces

and swept it over

not fine china

or heirloom sake

just a plain old plate

set of seven

used to be eight