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Author: Tamiko Lowery



I cleaned

the tub

the one

we used to

sit in

when you were

small enough

to lift

and tote

and set

and whirl

and spin

back then

it was all about

the bubbles

those magic sparkle bubbles

you loved looking


and I loved looking at you

looking at them

feels like yesterday

when it was just

you and me

sittin’ in the tub

bubble high

do you remember how

I’d write words on your back

and you’d try to guess

what they were

and how you always got

I love you

now, you’re 16

and 16

can turn her own faucets on

and pour her own bubbles in

and light her own candle

and drain her own water out

and fix her own cup of tea

she needs me

in other ways now

mostly just to listen

and encourage

and say

it’ll be ok

I love you,



True Grit

True Grit

she’s a runner

that went the distance

and kept going

beyond the finish line

for her

there is no line

she is the human spirit

made known

her life has shown

the essence of what is essential

that no matter what

you’re faced with

in life

whatever it is …

you press on

and chip away

at the mountain

in front of you

she dug her way out

of the dirt that fateful day

and found out

who she really was

what she was capable of

and how she would


down the stretch

at her own pace

figuring out

along the way

how to survive

and begin again

she pushed past

the endurance level

past what is expected

concluded and closed

she took what

could have killed her

that day

in the desert

and transformed

into something beyond

this world

she believed

in the tomorrow

she lives today

and she’s not done

turning the dirt


true grit: Turia Pitt


War Veteran

War Veteran

snow on

the ground

ice cold

a numbness

takes over

the body is gone

but still breathing

the heart outside itself

still beating

the mind is lost

in time

not in the present

but the past

it chapters back

through the stacks

to that line

that beautiful line

you wrote in that letter

that made the snow


it was summer

in the winter

of that year

or was it winter

in the summer

or was it spring

when it felt like fall

was morning night

or night morning

when there’s too much pain

the mind escapes


the way clouds move

against the shade

of blue

the bluest blue


Country Rose

Country Rose


don’t talk

through a song

especially one

she wrote

for a woman

who once graced

the Opry stage

and filled the airways

with her songs

‘bout hunger and heartbreak

the ones that fed

a little girl

somewhere in Kentucky

who ended up becoming

a singer herself

a writer of songs

yeah, somebody shoulda shushed

the woman in silver

sittin’ stage front

carrying on that conversation

with that guy

that coulda waited

‘til the woman in gold

up there on the stage

was done

singing her song

the one she wrote

for a country rose

that once grew


in a hollow


Cherry Blossoms

Cherry Blossoms

there’s a river

in Itaewon

that formed

from tears

that fell


a harvest moon

where roses

in first blush

all but bloomed

a mother stoops

to pick a petal

off the water

before it floats

out of sight

a father bends

and helps the mother

to stand

they walk away

old now

taking the long way


in rooms that echo


where their beloved child

ran about

wild and free

now the music box

is closed

its tender tune

plays elsewhere

in the Spring

the cherry blossoms

will bloom

and the wind will hold off

a moment more

as will the rain

there’s a river

in Itaewon

that knows it



When Fireflies Fall

When Fireflies Fall

to say

i too

felt the light

is this not

what all creatures

long for

the brush of wings

in the night

the blink of bulbs

strung like stars

that fell close

enough to touch

would that you save

in a jar away

for the road

gets weary

for travelers near

and far

and the eyes grow blind

to beauty

and all feeling fades

from surface

as the water moves

like breath

barely breathing

the mist


Something Else

Something Else

a month

has gone


and I guess

I’m still


to the 13th year

a year of change

… you get up

on a school morning

on a September day

and make coffee

like you always have

and go about your daily routine

but this time’s different

this time

you don’t get in the car

and drive to school

and watch her get out of the car

or watch her get back in the car

after 13 years of doing that


you’re left standing there

in the driveway


and even though

you knew this day would come

it’s something else

something new

something blue

I suppose I’ve taken it

in stride

but I realize I haven’t really

left the house

on my own

in a month

Chapter 50 … is hard … it’s jest …

so ‘ya make yourself

a big bowl of pasta

and wonder where time goes

I’ve really gotta get out of the house

maybe tomorrow

I will

today I’m with Otis

“Sittin’ by the Dock of the Bay …

Wastin’ Time”




my house

speaks to me

it has a lot to say

I’ve tried to shush it

to quiet its chatter

its long-winded declaration

speeches on the promenade

the whisper

of bygone days

but it won’t let me

it begs me

to remember

every age


Full Flow

Full Flow

is like

the wind

on water

a leaf falling in


the shimmer

of sunny days

the salt of the sea

the crunch of snow

the crackle of fire

the drip drop tick tock

of rain

the feeling

of being

of becoming


On the Green

On the Green

everything gets quiet

the mind

melts away

there’s no memory

of the painful past

no worry

of the future unknown

you’re left with only

this moment

at hand

right in front of you

clear and focused

just you

with your putter

7 balls

and the hole

it’s simple

yet complex

but to be

good at it

to get better

at it

you have to

get in the zone

where nothing else matters

not the heat of the sun

not the pelt of the rain

not the gust of the wind

not the cut of the cold

not the sting of the mosquito

not the hurl of the mower

or the weed eater

it’s all about getting the ball

to sink down in the hole

to get as close as you can

to submersion

one shot is great

two shots are good

three shots need work

four shots need a break

you get to begin again

each time

you approach the ball

putting is my go-to

my balance

find your balance


D o o r s

D o o r s

there are

open doors

closed doors

cracked doors

propped doors

locked doors

unlocked doors

bolted doors

chained doors

sliding doors

barred doors

divided doors

dark doors

light doors

gray doors

clear doors

split doors

broken doors

whole doors

crushed doors

new doors

old doors

ancient doors

painted doors

primed doors

peeling doors

stripped doors

sealed doors

busted doors

burnt doors

charred doors

shuttered doors

double doors

single doors

quiet doors

squeaky doors

banging doors

slammed doors

secure doors

unsecure doors

decoy doors

remote doors

coded doors

public doors

private doors

hidden doors

passing doors

display doors

plastic doors

wooden doors

steel doors

hinged doors

unhinged doors

screened doors

guarded doors

passage doors

gated doors

make-shift doors

exterior doors

interior doors

forgotten doors

faded doors

fallen doors

destroyed doors

restored doors

rusted doors

silver doors

golden doors

glass doors

measured doors

unmeasured doors

structural doors

framed doors

custom doors

uncustom doors

staged doors

curtain doors

beaded doors

tinsel doors

taped doors

lit doors

unlit doors

still doors

revolving doors

coffin doors

dirt doors

stone doors

garden doors

inside doors

outside doors

standing doors

buried doors

blinking doors

treehouse doors

dollhouse doors

castle doors

cardboard doors

magic doors

invisible doors

disappearing doors

reappearing doors

walk-thru doors

waterfall doors

cave doors

elevator doors

emergency doors

escape doors

trap doors

storage doors

secret doors

floating doors

sinking doors

solid doors

dissolving doors

mirrored doors

blurred doors

tower doors

dungeon doors

drop doors

beginning doors

in-between doors

ending doors

no doors




they say

time heals all pain

not sure pain heals

loss is its own


the picture of it

moves like light

and dark

like fog and mist

like flakes of snow

and drips of rain

like a seed that breaks

the surface

and lingers

a moth before it dies

the stones don’t change

only the names

the bringing and taking away

of flowers

how grass covers dirt

and concrete covers grass

nobody warns ‘ya

or maybe they do

or did

or didn’t

or meant to

really meant to

but never got around

to it

or didn’t know how

to go about it

people tend to do nothing

when they don’t know what to do

or say

but doing nothing

is something

you don’t forget


The Changes Within

The Changes Within

in August

the leaves are green

soaking in the rays

and rain

spinning in the wind

so alive

it’s hard to know

their time

is even now

running out

summer is over

the fall of leaves

will soon be raining


as beings on earth

we are connected to the seasons

in ways

that are instinctual in nature

maybe that’s why we gravitate to the expansiveness

of oceans and mountains and sky

get lost in the jungle

the desert

the pyramids

the places in pictures

over land and space



and above the cloud

to feel all there is to feel

what does travel teach you

in the end

that you already knew

but forgot


3 Chords and the Truth

3 Chords and the Truth

turned the dial


had to

but sick of the silence

so turned the dial


and found some

new stuff

music never leaves ‘ya


it brushes back a leaf

and flies in a V

and ripples the glass

and turns a red rose


it fills the space

the dust don’t

and lifts the ink

off the skin

water wears away

the hardest stone

smooths it down

over time

they stack ‘em

in Tennessee

and leave ‘em

for strangers

to see

on their way

to capture

rumbling water



Nursery Rhymes

Nursery Rhymes

wonder why

violets are blue

why Valentine roses

are always red

why I can’t find

those little white bells


like looking for those little blue smurfs

or trolls under the bridge

and I forget what I wanted

back in ’91

by ’93 I was standing in a showroom

full of shiny boxes picking one

to put in a hole

wondering how I got there

when life takes a turn

you always ask yourself … how’d I get here

time moves

and it don’t

aging is a process

that you can never process

why’d the spider go up the waterspout

in the first place

didn’t it sense the danger

or was it seeking shelter

what a song to sing

to itsy bitsy kids

like an old man

in the rain

forgetting which house is his

or the old woman who lived in a shoe

what an imagination

like a cow jumping over the moon

and the fork running away with the spoon

if you live long


you end up

following the breadcrumbs

down the yellow brick road

back to the beginning

up the vine

and into the clouds




the spider

leaves its line

a thread

of existence

that it once

was here



or unconscious

this is the way

of all things

the looming light

behind the cloud

was yesterday

a ruffled edge

in the wind

green gems

a shining chandelier

water over rock

and shell

what once was


had shape

and form

and being

the rain falls

and some creatures

wiggle out

or crawl

while others take cover

under mush


or tall tall


or petals

in a ring

the icebergs

are melting

the trails

are too long

by foot

what a waste

of wealth

10 fingers

10 toes

and this little

piggy stayed


where does it all go

the mind wears away

go by feel

when the heart was


and the page was blank

a scribble of color

that first letter

first word

before there was thought

and thinking

and staying between

the lines

just a thread


Dear Dad,

Dear Dad,

we never talked 

about this

and I guess

I’m only now

facing it

even though

you’ve been dead

30 years in March

it’s hard to say

i was

never angry

you left

i never blamed you

for any of it

but I realize


that your leaving …

and never coming back

was damaging

to my soul

it affected

every single relationship

i would ever have

from childhood to adulthood

when someone says

they love me

i don’t believe ‘em

‘ya know

it’s just automatic

i don’t think i ever


what that means

or what it would mean

to the child left …

to the adult …

I think it’s important

to acknowledge it


even if it changes


you’re still gone

it doesn’t change


or how much I love you

nothing could ever

change that

you gave me the best of you

while with me

and when you weren’t

i would imagine

you were

I think I still

do that

got behind this car

the other day

and took a picture of the tag

93 Mike

it was right after that movie …

like it was a sign

that you’re still here

that you never left

that you were always with me

through it all

but you already knew that



In the Swamp

In the Swamp

still try


to process

the pieces

sitting there

in the dark

before the lights

come on

in a packed room

on opening day

I felt …


I shouldn’t have come

thought I could

handle it

be all right

not like the book

books are too intimate

I cannot read the book

even though it was a gift

and I tried to

at the lake

when I couldn’t sleep

in the middle of the night

but after the first few


I knew I would never read it

it’s too much

too close


it’s just too

but I thought the movie

would be ok

like I’d be ok

yeah no

there was a moment

in the movie

that hit me like a brick

I had to cover my mouth

so the sound wouldn’t come out

and clenched my fist

‘til the blood ran out

and like i did when i was a little girl

in my room

on my bed

with the door closed

i sat there

in my seat

very still and very quiet

and wept

even though I sat at the very tip top

I was the first to leave

like a bolt of lightning

I was gone

I had sat through the whole thing

and was now

sitting in my car

feeling numb

grateful I was alone

it was too much

I shouldn’t have come

even though it was well done

and I’d recommend it to anyone

it’s a must-see movie

with a great story

great writing

great acting

great directing

great producing

great, great, great

but not for me

it was not great

for me

I couldn’t just watch it

like I should have

like it was just a movie

of made-up characters

in a made-up story

like it was make-believe

that it wasn’t real

how could it be real

when it’s just a movie

on the big screen

it wasn’t real


The Night Ninja

The Night Ninja

there’s a toad


that greets me

at the door

I imagine

he has a tiny gold crown

on his tiny toad head

he sits on the threshold

as if he were


for the killer cat

pays him no mind

and the stampede of barking dogs

don’t rattle him


his outer stillness

belies the warrior within

I could learn a lot from this here


he’s a simple-type-fellow

that found his way

to my front door

on a night much like tonight

where the chorus of crickets


and the firework fireflies

put on their show

he hopped out of nowhere

up the steps

in the middle of May

drawn to the castle lights

he now dines

like a king

his feast flying in

from near and far

he just sits there

all quiet and calm and still

waiting it out

like a featherweight

in the ring

eyeing an opening

ever light on his feet

and lethal with his punches

he knocks ‘em all out

and then assumes his position

in the middle of the doorway

a small stone statue

between two lights

and I thought the cat

was the Ninja