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Author: Tamiko Lowery

In Memory

In Memory

in the fade

of flowers

she lost her ring

the one he never

got to give her

for they waited too long

to decide

thinking tomorrow

but the baby was never born

and the story of their life

was never lived

cut short

at the stem

a field of flowers

cut short at the stem

on a day

much like today


White Roses

White Roses

21 years

after the song

first hit the airway

and 10 years after

the songwriter died

I heard it

for the first time


on the way home …

thank you Harley Allen for writing it

and thank you John Michael Montgomery

for singing it

for The Little Girl …


When it Rains

When it Rains

throw some

glitter in the air

and watch it fall

unmelted snow

on the ground

like sand in the sun

a thousand lights at Christmas

reflected on wet pavement

in the eye of a sailor

who can’t go home

sequins stitched on the sea

gather in the sky

a twinkle in the dark

I heard you whisper

and say

don’t go …

so we danced

under the glitter

of trees

and forgot about the time

running in the rain

like nothing ends

specks stuck

to the windshield

some in your hair

the rest got swept away

I see it



His Beloved Son Steve

His Beloved Son Steve

he can’t


get up

and go get in his truck

and drive

he can’t


go get on his tractor

and roll around the field

he can’t


go wherever he wants to go

whenever he wants to go

his body won’t

allow it

so he sits

and watches squirrels

try to get in the feeder

he sits

and watches hummingbirds

fly in formation

he sits

and watches Monarch butterflies

go by

he sits

and watches the wind

blowing through the trees

he sits

and watches the rain

as it falls

and dries

and gives all his plants

what they need

he’s a farmer in his heart of hearts

and understands

the nature of things

how each crop

has its own season

in its own time


Her Beloved Son Steve

Her Beloved Son Steve


a cardinal


at her doorway

in the blur

she could see it

staring back at her


it offered her a sense

of peace

as it stood there

in the stillness

of the morning ray

without a word

it said

what she needed most

to hear

it remained unmoved

‘til the message

was clear

in the fullness of her grief

she felt the lift

of wings


Make Do

Make Do

they’ve been building

something big

over there

over yonder

massive amounts of dirt

being hauled and dumped and shoved around

and dug

into a giant pool of mud

full of rain

where this floating bird

can be seen from the roadway

drifting serenely by

as if it were a white swan

gliding across a golden pond

at sunset

instead of early in the morning

with motorized machinery

rolling round and round

and a steady stream of traffic

headed to town

this floating bird

pays it no mind

never questioning how a pond

just up and appeared

one day

on land it waddled on

it doesn’t waste a second

wondering how or when or why

it just steps in

and feels relieved

from the humid heat

and tired feet


Summer in September

Summer in September

what were

jest seeds

in May

turned into


by September

it gets me every time

how given the right conditions

and the right amount of time

something like that can grow

from a speck of seed

the first one cracked open

wasn’t ready

but the second one


there’s something so satisfying

in that first glimpse

of red

they say you gotta roll the melons over

and check the bottom

for a tinge of yellow

fore it’s ready

to roll

ruby ready


Collecting Coins

Collecting Coins

he waited

‘til he’d cleared

the room

the door

and was down the hall

safely down the hall

before he broke





it was too much

all too much

for 13

let alone 42

he’s counting coins

staying connected

reaching out

to repetition

the rhythm of repetition

the soothing lull

of clinking coins

he’ll never stop


puts one

in his pocket

to keep close

just enough to touch

a two-sided-coin

there’s always two sides

he’d drop ‘em all in the fountain

if he could

if it meant

she’d come back

he looks up at the sky

wondering why …

down every road

he’ll carry the why …

when things don’t add up

and nothing makes sense

you start the count over

it’s easy to get lost


you can lose your place


in the beginning

in the middle

in the end

and have to start all over


but that’s ok

the total changes

over time

with addition and subtraction

new coins, lost coins, old coins, missing coins




the count changes

becoming less

becoming more

keep counting kid

don’t ever stop


Sophomore Year

Sophomore Year

it’s 3:03

in the morning

got up at 1

thinking it was 5

went back to bed

with eyes wide

this is how it was

when she was 5

the night before

she went off

to pre-school

couldn’t sleep

then either

in about 4 and half hours

she’ll be driving

to school

she’s a good driver

thanks to Mr. Dill

I sit on the passenger side

feeling older than I am

Cinderella’s been driving me around

in her modern-day pumpkin

fer 2 months now

preparing …

for this

the first day back

to school

I can hear the bell ringing


Just Away

Just Away

if you haven’t

a sense

of humor

I haven’t a want

of you

too much of life

is through

not around

or about

under or over

but through

and getting through


is a kind of death

as it were

where you die

but don’t die

be it the night

I search your face

for a sunny day

an unplanned split

lift of the lips

that gives way

a way

just away




it’s raining

in the woods

and hasn’t let up

the leaves are greener

for it

the roses never looked

as full

the blades of grass

cannot be cut close enough

the bark is black

its ridges gobbling drops

this weather is unwrung

for wings of fancy

and wind-blown strands

the mushrooms pop up

like umbrellas

you’d never know

a turtle was beneath

all the pinecones are wrapped up


the puddles have submerged

the clouds cross

and disappear

the rain is singing its song

the toads seem to enjoy it

the worms are dancing

in mud

someone’s best day

is someone else’s worst

the greatest joy

is connected

to the greatest sorrow

within and without




there’s a dad

in Oklahoma

who wishes

on every star

in the night sky

that he could go back

in time

he would give anything

in the world

to go back

to that moment when

there was still a choice …

he would’ve never


done cocaine

he would’ve walked away

just walked away

but he can’t go back

in time

what’s done is done

his 4-year-old daughter

and 3-year-old son

aren’t coming back

he keeps looking for them

in his dreams

but the reality is

he found them

in his truck

last summer

after waking from his cocaine-induced slumber

he was sentenced yesterday

in their deaths

serving six or less

but when he gets out

it won’t matter

where he goes

or what he does

he’ll always wake up

in a panic

looking for his children




eye an empty


and step on

and go

at this stage

the weight ain’t

the only thing

I’m trying

to get off me

not even close



and center

there’s always


to dodge

rather see it coming

‘ya know

before it knocks me out


hope nobody behind me

on this here treadmill

‘cause they might get hit

in the face

with all the lies

the ones they look ‘ya in the eye

pick up the pace

skip that song

need something more


that’s better

feel like bricks

on my feet

brownies are flying





cookies with chocolate

hit the floor

bowls of alfredo

and stew

and microwave goo

bags of crunch

salty, sweet

and sour

too much sugar

too much salt

and that was jest


last week was not pretty

but this morning

I got back on the horsey

more like the mule

a 2-mile hike

trudging to the top

so worth it

the air is lighter

easier to breathe


Dying Inside

Dying Inside

the woman

at the window

knows my order

12 egg rolls

and a drink

I like it

when things are

consistently good

so, I don’t deviate

set my timer for 15

and walk on over

to the grocery store

to grab what I need

and go

but yellow

stops me


it’s a baby giraffe

I look at him

and grab his little ear

and swipe him through


and stick him

in the passenger seat

then go get my 12 egg rolls

and get back in the car

devouring 4

as fat splats

hit the windshield

I look over at the giraffe

he has a permanent smile

you’d never know if he was sad

my daughter is out there …


driving a gray car

with a yellow sticker: Student Driver

Monday was a blur


I ate chicken in my car

and cried

I stopped eating chicken

a few years back

later on

I ended up at the range

and chipped a ton of balls down the hill

and whacked the L out of ‘em back up the hill

onto the green

and felt better


I bought a balloon

a baby giraffe balloon

that makes me smile

there was a time

when a big balloon

was all she wanted

2 more days to go …

this whole “letting go” thing

jest ain’t my thing

it ain’t my thing


what am I gonna do


and the day after





with women

there’s always


beneath the surface

things we don’t say

things we put away

sometimes, it’s jest

too exhausting

to explain

so, we speak

of simple things

that don’t need much

of an explanation

we stick to our lists

our relentless lists

of things to do

the short list

the long list

the in-between

the maintaining

of it all

some women

make it look

so effortless

the organized ones

the planners with purpose

I admire them their fortitude

women try their best

to maintain

a sense of balance

in an unbalanced world

we do this in degrees

some days better

than others

we recharge by the sea

when possible

drawing strength

in the quiet morning


and the twinkle night

of stars

exercising the mind

and body

the very spirit of one’s soul

should be

more than an idea

or an ideal

but rather

a tangible day-to-day

habit of being

that centers ourselves

for whatever

may befall us

such is life

so much joy

and so much sorrow

in the drop

of a tear

that rolls away

like the rain

on a wedding day

a funeral

or a parade

in the garden

where the roses

bud and bloom

and weep

into a dried wreath

that hangs on the door

or the cover of a coffin

to say hello

or goodbye





took to

the trail


through a glade

and found

the moon


of orange marmalade

the fireflies

took a dip

and came up

in sparks

the air held

its breath

on a soft summer night

as bumblebees

floated in pink fields

down every row

never lingering

too long

on a single petal

as if there was a schedule

to keep

the rabbit too

was in such a rush

as it made a mad dash

across my feet

to the underbrush

the heron though

was in no hurry

still as a statue

as it watched the water

ripple forth

ever camera shy

it took off

to a private oasis

its wing a watercolor


framed in a mere

moment of moonlight

etched across waves

I took the portrait


and hung it

in the gallery


A Thief in the Night

A Thief in the Night

I went

to get in my car


and opened the door

to stuff strewn

and my first thought was

I can’t believe she left it like this

thinking my daughter had rifled through the car

looking for her sunglasses

but she denied it

so my next thought was

I can’t believe he left it like this

thinking my husband had rifled through the car

looking for who-knows-what

but he denied it

then it hit me

somebody done broke in my car!

but they didn’t have to pry the door open

‘cause I leave my doors unlocked

yeah, yeah, yeah

I know

jest one more thing to have to remember to do


after I processed the situation

I couldn’t help but laugh

‘cause this guy picked the wrong vehicle

to pocket

when he opened the console

he probably thought to himself

what the L is all this crap!

he was looking for the good stuff

but all he saw  

was a jam-packed mess

of miscellaneous


not worth a cent on the Internet

or the pawn shop

it was like somebody opening my closet

and getting hit by an avalanche

he didn’t even get to the bottom

he got halfway through the console

and was like

the L with this … I ain’t got time for this!

I mean I’m a little insulted

he gave up that quick

I coulda had a brick of gold

at the bottom of my console

it mighta been plastic

but still

then I got to thinking

about this person

who goes around lifting handles

in driveways

‘til he finds one open

I mean you gotta be in a desperate situation

or something

if you’re going around in the dark of night

checking car doors

from house to house

looking for something to sell

and make a quick buck

it’s a big risk

with little reward

I mean

come on

you could get shot

“in the buttocks”

or put in jail


is it really worth it

yeah, no

how do you become

a thief in the night

it doesn’t happen overnight

a series of events

lead to a fork in the road

and you gotta choose quick-like

given your situation

which way to go

if you’ve got nothing to lose

you’ve got nothing to lose

if you’ve got everything to lose

you’ve got everything to lose

it all depends

I hope this guy woke up

this morning thinking

I’m tired of this shhhhhh …

it ain’t worth it

no more


Tell me a Story with a Happy Ending

Tell me a Story with a Happy Ending

we are

but a memory

too complex

to be captured

on camera

of places

we’ve been

of people

we’ve met

of moments

too big

to be small

a shared experience

of being

that we carry

within us

all the emotions

that flow


in time

i’ve looked

in the eyes

of creatures

big and small

who will go


or after

they do not dwell

less they’ve outlived

their shell

their exterior being

traveling alone now

lost in the maze of the mind

the sunlight dappling

through the clouds

running like a child

through the rain

we meet at the river

and watch the leaves fall

from sticks

and sail away


unto the sea

it was good to be here

with you

and all the memories

stacked like books

too many to read

at once

the pages blur together


like the beginning

before there was a word

a story … to tell

and remember


The Legacy of Mr. Moore

The Legacy of Mr. Moore

from time

to time

over the years

I’ve thought of

Mr. Moore

and his gentle nature

he was one of my favorite


of all time

he never taught me math

or English

or history

or science

or Spanish

or health

or how to hit a ball

or score a point

or make a meal

he taught me instead


he would sit over there

on the passenger side

and calmly guide me

onto the roadway

I loved to make him laugh

so I’d purposely step on the gas

to get his reaction

he always laughed

and tried to scold me

with a straight face

we laughed a lot


with me behind the wheel

and him hitting the brake


it makes me cry when I think of him

sitting over there so patient

and encouraging

and calm

he had that Mr. Rogers vibe about him

he was so kind

to all of us

none of us really knew what we were doing

but he could see our potential

I’ve been thinking of Mr. Moore a lot

of late

as I sit on the passenger seat

pressing my foot to the floorboard

like he did

I’m not quite as calm

as Mr. Moore

but I think he’d be proud of me

and definitely proud of her

she got her learner’s permit Tuesday

and by 6:15am the next morning

she was driving me all the way

to the MALL

I cannot put into words how that felt

I lie awake at night thinking

maybe I dreamed that


time moves on

and on

and on

when I click my seatbelt

into place

I smile

and think of Mr. Moore

he was all about safety first

talked a lot about it

and I’d just laugh

and hit the gas

my daughter and I

are like hyenas

thumping along

to her music

through every neighborhood

in town

Mr. Moore never played music

when he was teaching

but I feel like

he’s in the backseat

laughing along with us

enjoying the beat

with his seatbelt

firmly in place


The Secret to Happiness

The Secret to Happiness

it was

your birthday

not mine

but you gave me

a gift

then another one

that you knew

I’d love

spending some of the money

daddy gave you

to spend on yourself

you spent on me

I was so surprised …

I thought it was a joke

and as you watched me

open each one

with tears

I could see how happy you were

for me