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Behind the Scenes

Behind the Scenes

it took



to be able

to take the turn

and drive down

that road

past that place

and even more

to write about it

I had gone there

to cover a story

in February of 2008

a story about an infant

who had just been found


in a drainage ditch

at an apartment complex

days later

I quit my job

there had been another story

just prior

sitting in a courtroom

listening to a report

of neglect and horrifying abuse

of a small child

I cried through the whole thing

cried all the way back to work

cried in the work restroom

cried all the way home

cried in the shower

cried on the pillow

then they sent me to cover

a story

about an infant

left in a ditch

and even though

I can drive by


it don’t mean

I don’t still



Published inTamiko Lowery