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Bok Choy

Bok Choy

how did

gecko food

turn into

a black bunny

I’ll never know

and they never have bunnies in there

like ever

it’s like they knew

all about the Holland Lop videos

she’s been watching online

for a month

and we barely got one leg in the door

when she spies the rabbits

with a gasp

and out of nowhere

this lady appears next to us

like a fairy godmother


and starts telling us all about these three baby bunnies

and how they had the same mother

and how they’re half Dwarf and half Holland Lop

and I don’t think she took a breath

and as soon as she felt me caving

she opens the cage

and puts the black bunny in her hands

how did this happen

now, I gotta go buy

more bok choy


Published inTamiko Lowery