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Chapter 50

Chapter 50

was driving

in the dark

in a daze

and didn’t even


my lights

weren’t on

‘til I saw blue lights

in the mirror

and a kind face

at my window

wasn’t the speed

or the seatbelt

so I’m looking at him


dazed and confused

and he tells me my lights

weren’t on

and sure enough

the knob was not on auto

and I’m thinking how can that be

and how could I not even notice


musta just happened

through the takeout window

2 bags of regret

maybe 1 of ‘em accidently turned

the knob

I don’t know but

the officer was nice about it

and said I probably didn’t notice

‘cause of all the street lights and all

and how he just wanted me to drive safe

and no accident

he bid me good night

I thanked him and said the same

and thought to myself

if he only knew

the day I’ve just had

he’d understand


lights or no lights

was the last thing

on my mind

I’d like to sit by the sea

and listen to the waves

and watch the sun come up

and go back down

and pretend life is

easy and breezy

and just begun


Published inPoetry