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when you

don’t know

a thing

about any thing

a form of utopia

an oblivion

to be oblivious

of things

not for a man

nor a woman

for adults are aware

of all things

the slightest thing

the abject thing

the base line

a stick in the sand

draw your dreams

only the moon

can laugh

plate and spoon

the cow’s a steak

three bears, three pigs

the golden goose

a tale to tell

even at Christmas

the glass slipper

does it fit your foot

better stories now

to tell your girl

let down your hair

and live

not a storied life

of fairies and tales

but of your own


even when

you can’t see the page

the snow falls

for a time


to the web work

the limbs

roots and blades

ponds and puddles

iced over

in a tray

all things thaw

the web catches

in the wind

the spider finds

another tree

does this

a thousand times

the coldest day

still the spider

will climb


Published inTamiko Lowery