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Dear Dad,

Dear Dad,

she’ll be nine


and I think I’m in denial

I just

keep busy

with things to do

pretty soon I won’t be able to pick her up



when I tell her this

and I tell her this all the time

she just laughs and says I’d better start lifting heavier weights

yesterday, I walked into the kitchen

and she’d already put up the decorations on the cabinet doors

when I asked how she did it

‘cause I didn’t see a chair

she demonstrated by jumping up in the air with a fly swatter

she had smacked each giant pre-taped water drop to each cabinet with the fly swatter

she looked at me like I should have known that

I get that look a lot

since March, she’s been on this owning-her-own-gift-shop-kick

so, tomorrow she’s gonna sell her wares to the party people

she’s made pottery, necklaces, bracelets, bookmarks, flowers, Legos, a mess

her artwork is priceless

I’ve already bought two sketches and two bookmarks and a Lego record player

she made me sit still for a self-portrait yesterday and let me have it for free

I actually like it, minus the fat face

she’s awake now

so, ‘ya know what that means

yeah, I’ll tell her


Published inTamiko Lowery