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Dear Dad,

Dear Dad,

once a year

I open the latches

on the suitcase

I carry

and take out the albums

and turn the pages

the man I remember

is there

the child I was

looks back at me

there are no baby pictures

just an orphan shot

of a toddler

standing in black and white

then sitting beside you

on an airplane

headed home

new photos would fill the frame

in color

those early years

while only a handful

would live inside me


until your passing

when your heart exploded

mine did, too

I picked a Midler song:

“Wind Beneath My Wings”

and tried to go on

I think I loved you

a little too much

is all

I know you’re still here

with me

that you never left me

my hair is slowly turning gray

I call them my highlights

before long

we’ll be the same age

I can still see you


the way you were

and I don’t need a photograph

for that


Published inTamiko Lowery