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Dear Officer So and So,

Dear Officer So and So,

the police

never showed

the kid waited

and waited

and waited

but they never


i’d like to know


could somebody there

please tell me why

why you never showed

when i see

an officer on the street

with their uniform

and their badge

and their gun

their oath

i wanna go up to ‘em

and just ask ‘em


why didn’t you show


and get me the hell outta there

the kid in me

just wants to know

why you never showed

why you never checked

why you never followed-up

with questions

for the child …

are you ok?

do you need help?

do you want to go and live

somewhere else?

she musta been invisible

quietly crying

silently praying

waiting and waiting

waiting for what

for when

12 years went by

the system failed

and i want you to know that

i need you to know that

i need you to know that I know that

but what if i hadn’t been so strong

well, I know you’re busy

and all

and this letter’s much too late

but i sent it anyways

have a good day


Published inPoetry